It’s now July and we’re halfway through 2021. We normally do the mid year freakout tag (I think that’s what it’s called), but we decided to take a different road this year. We decided to create our own mid year book awards. What books have we been loving? What books surprised us? And a few other categories as well. This week I’ll talk about my favorites and Isabelle will next week. Keep on reading to find out what books get my awards!
Top 3 Books So Far
This is actually a really hard one, because I’ve read quite a few amazing books so far this year. My top 3 will probably change by the end of the year, but for now it’s:
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue – V.E. Schwab
When You Were Everything – Ashley Woodfolk
Better Than the Movies – Lynn Painter
These are three totally different books, but I loved them all! If you haven’t read any of these yet I definitely recommend them. You can click on the titles to read my review.
Favorite New Author
Last month I read Honey Girl and I can tell that Morgan Rogers is going to be a favorite. This is the author’s first book, so unfortunately there’s nothing left for me to read, but I’ll be keeping an eye on any future projects by this author.
Biggest Disappointment
I’ve had a few books that just didn’t do it for me so far this year. One of those books that was my biggest disappointment was Things to Do Before the End of the World. The synopsis made me believe it was going to be something it wasn’t. It also didn’t help I just couldn’t connect with the characters and disliked one of them.
Book That Surprised Me Most
A friend and I recently decided to read Crazy Rich Asians and it really took me by surprise. I was expecting to enjoy it, but I didn’t expect to love it as much as I did. At the moment I’m typing this I’m reading Crazy Rich Girlfriend and I’m already sad that I only have one more book to go after this.
New to Me Author That Makes Me Want to Read Their Whole Backlog
This is hard question, because not many new to me authors this year have a backlog. There is one new to me author that has one other book I want to read. I read and loved Dial A for Aunties. Jesse Q. Sutanto has a few books announced and one other published. The Obsession is a young adult thriller, but sounds like something right up my alley.
Most Unputdownable Book
Thrillers are something I’ve been enjoying more lately and Don’t Look Behind You is also on my favorites list for this year so far. Once I started reading this book I just couldn’t put it down. There were some very surprising twists and turns and I can’t wait for the next book.
Backlist Book I Should’ve Read Sooner
Undercover Bromance is definitely a backlist book I should’ve read sooner. After loving The Bromance Book Club I was really afraid that the rest of the books wouldn’t live up to how much I loved the first one. Thankfully I was wrong and I loved it. The third book is on the list of books I need to read ASAP.
Book I Think Needs More Love
I finally read The Iron Flower (the second book in The Black Witch Chronicles) and it was so good. This book really hit me in all the feels and I’m afraid for the characters I’ve come to love (which is why I haven’t continued with the series yet). That being said, I really think this series needs more love. It doesn’t get nearly enough attention that it deserves.
Anticipated Release That Lived Up to My Expectations
You’ve Reached Sam hasn’t released yet (release day is November 2nd) and I still need to write my review. This book was one of my most anticipated releases this year, but I was lucky and got to read an e-arc. I loved You’ve Reached Sam and couldn’t put it down. The ending felt a bit rushed to me, but other than that it was an amazing story!
So that’s a wrap for my mid year book awards 2021! What do you think of my choices? If you’ve read any of these I’d love to hear your thoughts. What book surprised you the most so far this year? Let me know in the comments!
Dial A for Aunties was so much fun! I’m also looking forward to more from Sutanto!