Royal Update #80

We thought it was time for a fun new post every week. In the Royal Update one of us updates you about our personal life, bookish news, what we’re reading, watching and listening to and anything else that might apply to this post. We thought it would be fun to share a bit more about our personal lives and hope you think so too!

While life is opening up here I don’t have that much exciting news haha. I have been working on my essays before next weeks deadlines, studying for my exam (which I passed!), got vaccinated, stared at our not so little foal, watched sports (football, Formula 1 and Tour de France) and also have been working haha. In the near future I do have more exciting things coming up and I just can’t wait!!

Still no new eARC’s. I’m really happy with that and hope to spend this summer catching up on my backlist of eARC’s.

I’m very happy with my reading the last two weeks; I finished A Closed and Common Orbit, The Ancient Magus Bride 2, King of Scars & Rule of Wolves, The Apothecary Diaries 1, Scales & Scoundrels vol. 2, The Umbrella Academy vol. 2 and One to Watch.

Last week I also finished All The Young Dudes, this is a fanfiction story but it’s so big that I totally counted it haha. Currently I’m reading The Damned, One Last Stop and This Is How You Lose the Time War. Hopefully I can keep going like this! I’m not sure which book I will pick up after this but Skyward and The Library of the Unwritten are possible contenders haha.

No bookish news that captured my eye this week unfortunately.

No shopping these past two weeks!

Of course I’m watching the newest Loki episode every week. I love Loki and the show is amazing! Last week I also started watching ¿Quién Mató a Sara? I was hoping I’d like it, but I like it a lot mor than I expected. In just a couple of days I watched both seasons and now I have to wait for the next season!

Lately I’ve been listening to Imagine Dragons a lot again. They’re my favorite band and I just adore all of their music. The last couple of days I’ve just hit play on all their songs and just sing along haha.

And those were my past 2 weeks! What have you been listening to lately? And which shows are you watching? Are you also loving Loki? Let me know down below!

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