Bookish Item| July TBR

When this post comes online we still have a little less then two weeks of June, but this is my last bookish item before the end of the month. That means that this month my July TBR will be posted a bit early and there definitely will be changes made and probably some books added. I still want to talk about the books I know for sure now that I will end up reading in July.

Group Reads

Every month I have a few group reads I join. Here are the few that I know of at the moment. More could be added.

One Last Stop – Casey McQuiston

After loving Red,White and Royal Blue I knew I was going to be reading this shortly after it released. One Last Stop sounds like a book I need in my life. Being able to discuss while reading makes it even more fun. I have high expectations for this one.

A Pho Love Story – Loan Le

A Pho Love Story is one I’ve been curious about since it released earlier this year, but just haven’t gotten around to reading it. That’s why I love group reads and buddy reads, because I get to books a lot sooner than I would when reading them on my own.

Hydra – Matt Wesolowski

At the moment I’m over halfway done with the first book in this series. I love that a case it talked about through a podcast. This kind of makes me wish I had the audiobook, because it would be fun! I may have to see if I can get it.

The Soulmate Equation – Christina Lauren

It’s summer time which means it’s the perfect time of year to read rom-coms. Christina Lauren is such a fun author duo and The Soulmate Equation is their newest release. Not sure how I feel about a DNA-based matchmaking system, but it’ll be interesting to read about.


Book Tours

TBR and Beyond Tour is once again hosting a lot of amazing tours and I’m excited about them all. I don’t think I can get to all the books this month, but these are the ones I’m focusing on!

Untethered – KayLynn Flanders

After reading Shielded last year I’m beyond excited to continue with this series. Untethered released in July and I hope to get it read early in the month. I can’t wait to read more about these characters and see where the story goes.

The Taking of Jake Livingston – Ryan Douglass

Lately I’ve been reading more outside of my comfort zone and horror is something I’ve been giving a try. The main character can see the dead and that’s going to get interesting. I have to say that the cover was the first thing that got my attention.

The Right Side of Reckless – Whitney D. Grandison

I love a good contemporary and this one really caught my attention. Two characters who aren’t supposed to bond or be together connect. That’s going to be an interesting one to read.

The People We Choose – Katelyn Detweiler


The People We Choose is going to be an interesting read. I don’t think I’ve ever read a book where the main character is looking for their sperm donor. This may be an emotional one, but I think it’s going to be good.


For once I don’t have any buddy reads planned ahead. That makes sense with, because I’m writing this TBR a lot earlier than normal. I’m sure plenty will come along, because I tend to have 3 or 4 going at a time.


Backlist Books/Books I Feel Like Reading

I’ve been really enjoying just picking up books that I’m in the mood for. It’s been great being able to let go of deadlines at times. These are a few I hope to read in July.

Ace of Spades – Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé

Ace of Spades made my most anticipated books list of 2021! It’s finally here and I’ve been hearing nothing but amazing reviews. I definitely plan on making time at the end of June/early July to start this one. I’m so excited.

Little Creeping Things – Chelsea Ichaso

Little Creeping Things is a book I think I’ve put on my TBR quite a few times, but that hasn’t made the cut yet. I’ve heard some great things and with me loving thrillers lately it’s time to read it. Also, this author has a new book releasing in August, so it’s time to give this one a try.

The Princess and the Fangirl – Ashley Poston

Another book that I should’ve finished quite some time ago. I started the audiobook, but just couldn’t connect with it for some reason. So I ordered the paperback and even own the third and final book now. It’s time to dive back into this fun world.


Netgalley/Edelweiss Backlist

I have so many books to read on Netgalley and Edelweiss and I really want to make it a goal to read at least a few backlist books a month. These are two I want to get to in July.

You Have a Match – Emma Lord

A book that takes place at summer camp seems to be the perfect setting to read about while it’s hot outside. You Have a Match released in January and I’ve been wanting to read it since then. I even have an e-arc, so it’s the perfect time to read it and check it off my Netgalley list. I can’t imagine finding out that you have a sibling you didn’t know about.

Playing the Palace – Paul Rudnick

Playing at the Palace is a book I’ve been curious about since I heard about it. The publisher approved my ARC request the day before release, so I’m super excited, but just didn’t have the chance to read it yet. I’m excited for this one.


Like I said I’m sure some of this TBR will change before July actually starts, but here is a list I really hope to read next month. Have you read any of these? What did you think? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear from you!

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