It’s that time of month where we look back and see if we read the books we bought a year ago. This post is always kind of scary, but it’s interesting to see and reminds us about some books we really need to read. Today we’ll be looking back at our bookhaul from May 2020. Let’s take a look!
Before I sat down to write this post I honestly couldn’t remember what books I got in May. Last year was a mess to say the least and the months kind of blended together. In May 2020 I ended up buying 17 books in total, because I also visited the bookstore here as well. But how many have I read? Let’s see…
Crown of Feathers – Nicki Pau Preto
I actually started this one and enjoyed what I had read. If you’ve followed us for a bit you’ll know I get easily distracted, haha. I will end up finishing this one.
Talk Nerdy to Me – Tiffany Schmidt
I loved The Boy Next Story, so I knew I needed to get the next book in this series. Talk Nerdy to Me is the perfect light and fluffy summer read that I’ll need soon, so I’ll keep this one in mind.
Ghost Squad – Claribel A. Ortega
Ghost Squad was such a fun middle grade read. On top of the book being amazing the cover is also stunning! I can’t wait to read another book by this author.
House of Dragons – Jessica Cluess
House of Dragons ended up being a lot better than expected. Books with so many POVs can be harder to really get sucked into, but that wasn’t a problem with this one. I loved the stories and the politics. Unfortunately, after certain events (I don’t know all of the details) the publisher pulled the next book.
Hunting November – Adriana Mather
Hunting November is one I’m actually really surprised I haven’t read yet. Killing November was a really pleasant surprise, so I do want to finish this duology soon.
Aurora Burning – Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
Aurora Burning was an interesting ride. I loved getting to know the characters better and there was never a dull moment. The ending left me wanting the third book immediately. I’m anxiously awaiting the third book releasing in November.
The Bone Charmer & The Bone Thief – Breeana Shields
I saw The Bone Charmer a few times online and I have to say the concept sounded amazing. I really think this book is a hidden gem. The plot was very interesting. The Bone Thief is the second book in this duology and I kind of forgot about it, haha. I do want to see how everything plays out, so I need to read it ASAP!
Date Me, Bryson Keller – Kevin van Whye
Date me, Bryson Keller is a book I read a year ago and still think about it. Yes, this book is a bit emotional, but it left me with a huge smile on my face. You know it’s good when I have an e-arc and order the paperback the day after I finish reading it. I should do a reread soon.
Crownbreaker – Sebastien de Castell
Crownbreaker is the final book in the Spellslinger series and I haven’t read anything yet, haha. I did want to collect these, because I found editions with pretty sprayed edges. I’ve heard amazing things about this series, so I’m excited to start it.
Spin the Dawn – Elizabeth Lim
Spin the Dawn was such a pleasant surprise. I had a feeling I would end up loving it, but not as much as I did. The characters are really interesting as well as the magic and world. The sequel is on my shelf and needs to be read soon.
Thorn – Intisar Khanani
Thorn is a hidden gem and really deserves more attention than it gets!! I loved the story and now that the companion novel releases I need to get my hands on that.
Foul is Fair – Hannah Capin
I have an e-arc of Foul is Fair, but ended up buying the paperback because of the error in the galley. Whenever a letter was double in a word (like the t in letter) there would be a blank space. Yes, I can figure it out, but it’s not a fun way of reading.
Sky in the Deep – Adrienne Young
Adrienne Young is an author people seem to love and I’ve heard so many amazing things about Sky in the Deep. I just need to make time and sit down and read it.
The Girl the Sea Gave Back – Adrienne Young
Just like I said about Sky in the Deep, the author is very popular. The Girl the Sea Gave back is a companion novel after Sky in the Deep, so I need to get going on these books.
There Will Come a Darkness – Katy Rose Pool
I’ve been interested in There Will Come in Darkness for awhile and really it’s just another case of so many books and just not enough time. I loved this cover though and I hope when I read it that I can find the second book in the same edition.
Of Curses and Kisses – Sandhya Menon
As a fan of retellings I couldn’t pass this one up (even though I have an e-arc). I really need to get to this one though, because the sequel will be releasing soon!
Read: 7/17 – 41.2%
TBR: 10/17 – 58.8%
I’m usually pretty scared to make these posts and look back at last year’s bookhaul. But I have to say, I knew I didn’t buy too much books around this time last year. So for once I was pretty confident! And I think that was warranted haha. I only got one new book!
The Okay Witch – Emma Steinkellner
I already read this one! And I actually think I read it last May. This was really cute and I enjoyed it a lot. I love having some unread graphic novels on my TBR because sometimes you’re just in the mood for those haha. However, I don’t have that many left anymore… time to get some more?
Read: 1/1 – 100%
TBR: 0/1 – 0%
This was our looking back post! How did you think we did? Were you surprised? Have you read any of these books? Let us know down below!