If you’ve been following the blog for awhile you’ll know I’m a big fan of Kelsey Kingsley’s writing. Her newest book, Scars & Silver Linings, is even more special, because she put a lot of her own experiences in this story! I think it’s incredibly brave and amazing that she was able to put all of this in a book! Keep on reading to find out more about this book and what I thought!
Two little, pink lines should have been a good thing, but for Kendall Wright, it felt like the end of the world. Especially when her career as a successful romance novelist had only just begun to take off.
But with the acceptance of her flaky boyfriend, and the help of a friendly bartender, she begins to see how those two little, pink lines could actually be a blessing.
Except pregnancy isn’t always what it’s cut out to be, and sometimes, things can take a turn for the worst when you least expect it. And after an emergency C-section, the premature birth of her son, and the loss of that flaky boyfriend, Kendall begins the hard, rewarding, and oftentimes traumatic life of NICU parenthood alone.
But soon, she realizes that, where there is darkness, there is usually light.
And there are always friendly—and very attractive—bartenders.
I have to start off by saying that this isn’t your typical lighthearted romance. If you’re looking for that Scars & Silver Linings may not be for you. If you’re looking for a book that hits you in all the feels, may make you cry, has amazing characters, sucks you in completely and okay has a relationship you can’t help but wanting to see be a happily ever after this book is for you.
Thankfully I can say I’ve never been through the experience this author and main character have been through. I can’t imagine how hard and scary it is when your baby comes into the world way too early and unexpectedly and on top of that having your own health scares. It’s clear that the author pulled from her own experiences, because it felt so real. She knew how to put the emotions into words and let me say I had tears in my eyes quite a few times while reading this book.
Kendall (Kenny) is a character that I won’t forget anytime soon. She’s an author and in an off again/on again relationship with Brendan (a character I don’t like at all and will not waste my time on). One thing she didn’t expect was getting pregnant. This character is definitely raw and vulnerable. This wasn’t necessarily something she saw happening and all of the emotions she experiences jump off of the page. Also, when everything is happening and her baby is fighting, she’s fighting for him. Kendall is a warrior and so is the author that wrote this book.
Of course, there is a romance in this book and Goose is amazing. When Kenny walks into his bar and starts talking to him, I had a feeling he was going to be special. This main character has a story of his own and I loved slowly learning more about this amazing man. It felt like him being there for her unconditionally and sharing his story it was easier for her to hang on just a little longer. I loved that this romance was just kind of there, but also happened gradually at the same time. It just felt right and meant to be. The epilogue definitely left a big smile on my face.
And like many other Kelsey Kingsley books there are little hints and connections to her other stories. I can definitely say I won’t be forgetting this story anytime soon and can’t wait to see what book she gives us next!
Once again this author hit me in all the feels. I can imagine that this isn’t a book for everyone, but I really recommend checking out this author’s other books! Kelsey Kingsley creates characters you can’t help but love and stories you won’t forget.
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