A couple of weeks ago we started doing the 5 On My TBR bookish meme and it was a lot of fun, so we want to bring this meme to the blog more regularly! This bookish meme is hosted by E from Local Bee Hunter’s Nook. This week’s prompt is Enemies to Lovers. So I took a look to see which books on my TBR have enemies that will turn lovers <3.
The Night Circus
I got the Night Circus for Christmas two years ago and I really thought I would’ve read it by now. It really sounds like it will be something I enjoy! And founding out it has an enemies-to-lovers storyline as well only increased my interest. This seems like a perfect winter read and I truly hope to read it this winter.
Cruel Beauty
I’ll admit I totally forgot I had this book! It’s been on my shelves for almost 4 years now haha. I’m not sure I will pick it up anytime soon but talking about it here does make me want to read it a bit more. The reviews seems to be all over the place and I might have missed the window for it. But we’ll find that out once I do pick it up.
The Winner’s Curse
I’m actually really excited to read this one! The first book in the companion series released last year and I’ve owned this book for over a year and a half now. I still think I’ll really enjoy this book and the rest of the series. Once again talking about it here makes me want to pick it up right away! And I might (hopefully) do so this coming winter.
A Promise of Fire
I’ve had this one on my shelves for 2,5 years now… Oops. It’s an adult fantasy and I want to read more of those but I don’t seem to get to them. I didn’t know this had an enemies-to-lovers element to it and I’ll admit knowing this works in the favor of picking up the book soonish. Hopefully I won’t forget about it again haha.
This is How You Lose the Time War
Another one I’m super excited for! I haven’t had this one for that long, I got it in March. My plan is to read it this year and I really hope I can do so. I’ve heard amazing things about it and I think it will be something I love. It’s also a pretty short book and that’s great because I’m in a bit of a slump haha.
So these are 5 books on my TBR I think have an enemies-to-lovers element. One of my favorite tropes! Have you read any of these? And do they belong on my list? I would love to hear from you!
I adore the enemies to lovers trope, although I think I mostly read it within the romance genre itself, rather than as a subplot in fantasies and such! But there’s just so much development that can happen with this trope, and it makes reading about the relationship’s progression so great!
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