Bookish Item | Reading Goals Mid Year Update 2020

As you know, we always set reading goals for the year. I already did a little update a few months ago, but being halfway through the year now I thought it was time to do another update. How am I doing with my goals? Have I made any progress? Keep on reading my Reading Goals Mid Year Update to find out!

I’ve read a lot of amazing books so far this year and I can’t complain how my reading year has gone. If you want to know a little about the books I’ve loved and still need to read, you can read my Mid Year Freak Out Tag!

I also thought it would be fun to show my pages read, genres read and how big the books are I’ve read. It’s been really fun tracking this throughout the year. I love having my reading visualized. I’m really happy I asked the boyfriend to make this for me.

You can definitely see with the arrival of COVID I have been reading a lot more. April and May were my best reading months ever I think. So far this year I’ve read a total of 43,855 pages.

I think I’ve mentioned that my favorite genre is contemporary. If that isn’t clear now, I don’t know what to tell you. I have been trying to read some different genres. Hopefully my graph will look a bit different at the end of the year!

I have been reading some bigger books, but I tend to read books between 300-400 pages. I really hope to tackle some bigger books during the second half of the year.

Now let’s start looking at my goals. How have I been doing? It will be nice to see if I’m making any progress.

Goodreads I’m not complaining with how my Goodreads challenge is going so far. Since the beginning of 2020 I’ve read 142 books and I’m 42 books ahead of schedule. I think it would be amazing if I could reach 300 books again this year. This is a goal I’m not worried about!

Netgalley This is a goal I really don’t want to talk about, haha. I’m really failing at this one. When I posted my last update at the end of March I was at 55%, I wish I was still at 55%, haha. Like I’ve said before a feedback ratio of 80% is recommended, at this moment I’m at 47%. Luckily I plan on reviewing more Netgalley books this month. I’m still going to be optimistic.

Physical Books/Backlist Books My goal this year was to read 50 backlist books. My physical TBR has been growing, because of course I’ve still been buying books (oops!), but I have been reading more of my physical books. Buddy reads have been really helping me. When I last did an update, I was up to 6 backlist books. As I’m typing this I’ve read 9 backlist books. I’ve read 35 of my physical books though, so it’s a start.

ARCs I’ve wanted to make sure I’ve read more of my own books and less ARCs. It’s so easy to fall down the rabbit hole of requesting ARCs once you start blogging. So many books sound so good and that makes it tempting. By keeping track, I still read a lot, but I make sure to read more of my own. Out of the 142 books I’ve read, 51 books were ARCs. Still a lot, but better than last year.

Series Like I’ve said before, I’m good at starting series, but tend to forget about them. Or I get distracted and read a lot of books before returning to a series. My goal is to finish 12 series I started before 2020. When I wrote my last update I was up to completing 3 series, I’m now at 6 series (Wedding Games, Squad Goals, Roommate Duet, Tragic Duet, Slice & Hot Jocks). So I’m on track.

So I definitely have some goals to work on, but I’m definitely happy so far. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year brings. How are you doing with your reading goals? I would love to hear about that in the comments!

5 thoughts on “Bookish Item | Reading Goals Mid Year Update 2020

    1. Me too! They’re so much fun to see every month and a yearly graph as well.

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