Bookish Item | My Middle Grade Backlog Part 2

Candyce and I are participating in Middle Grade May this month (some with more success than others….) and last week Candyce shared her middle grade backlog with you all. Today it’s my turn to show you some of the MG books I still have waiting on me. Let’s dive in!

The Second Story – Neil Patrick Harris

I’m actually reading this one at the moment. The first book in this series (The Magic Misfits) was a lot of fun and a pretty fast read. I really enjoyed the plot and the characters. There was definitely a bigger mystery going on in the background and I can’t wait to find out what that was all about.

Quests for Glory – Soman Chainani

The original trilogy in the School for  Good and Evil is one of my favorite MG series ever. Agatha and Sophie are wonderful characters and the setting is amazing. So when a new trilogy set in the same world was announced I was over the moon. Unfortunately I still haven’t read that new trilogy, and I honestly don’t know why. Maybe this month I finally will!

Furthermore & Whichwood – Tahereh Mafi

I started reading (or listening to) Furthermore quite a while ago. Unfortunately I wasn’t really into it at that moment. I’m not sure if I actually want to continue with these book but I will give Furthermore another try before completely giving up. The cover are also insanely beautiful!

Serafina and the Black Coat – Robert Beatty

I’ve had this one for quite a while now! A friend of mine read this and really enjoyed it. I think I will actually really like this story as well, it sounds like it’s right up my alley. And I should just go for it haha. I think it will be a pretty quick read.

The Screaming Staircase – Jonathan Stroud

Another one that has been on my TBR for quite a while. I really liked the premise of this one and I’ve heard a lot of good things about the series. This is exactly the kind of MG story I usually enjoy and I have pretty high hopes for this one.

The Red Pyramid – Rick Riordan

I’ve read quite a couple of Rick Riordan book already. However, I haven’t dived into this one yet. It (clearly) has to do with Egyptian gods and I don’t know too much about those. I think it’s fascinating learning more about these kinds of myths and I hope this will be another great story.

The Golden Compass – Phillip Pullman

I already started reading this one and I’m not completely sure why I didn’t finish it. There is a tv show based on the book series that I really want to see. But of course I first have to read the book ;). I did enjoy what I read so far and this seems to be a favorite of a lot of people. Fingers crossed I’ll like it just as much.

The Secret Deep – Lindsay Galvin

I’ve bought this one the last time I was in London. And to be honest, I mostly bought it because it was signed. At the moment I’m not really interested in this story but I will try it before I might get rid of it. I have seen some good reviews so maybe I can still be swayed ;).

That was not too bad! I was expecting there to be a lot more books actually haha. Now I feel like I can get some more MG books, although maybe I should read a couple of these first 😉 Which one would you recommend me? Tell me in the comments!

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