Bookish Item| Seamaydenathon TBR

After participating in the Magical Readathon this month to earn my O.W.L.s. I realized how much I really enjoy doing readathons. Books I’ve had for awhile finally get put on my TBR and it’s just fun to participate in a big group reading adventure. Two friends of mine from Fangirl Pixie Blog and Sometimes Leelynn Reads created the Seamaydenathon. This runs the whole month of May. Click here for all of the information. You still have until the 28th to sign up, so what are you waiting for? Go take a look.

Today I’m going to talk about the prompts and the books I want to read this month!

To start off, when you sign up you have to pick a team to be on. The options are Team Alosa, Team Coral, Team Vatea and Team Yetu. Each team is named by the book’s main character. Even though all of these seem really interesting, Daughter of the Pirate King has been on my shelves for way too long. So I’m going to be #TeamAlosa!

Besides reading the book for you team, there are other ways to collect points! There are some prompts for this month to earn points, but reading anything will earn you points as well. You score even more points if you read all of the group books! I’m going to try and read all of the prompts, so let’s take a look at my TBR. I may switch books as the month continues, but here’s what I hope to read.

Read a book with a sapphic romance

I’ve had the book Kings, Queens and In-Betweens on my bookshelf for quite a few months by now. The colors on the cover are so much fun and the story sounds amazing. I’d say this is a great time to pick this one up!

Read a dystopian story

This is actually pretty funny, I was just talking about a dystopian story with friends. Two of my friends are a big fan of Angelfall. That was also the reason I put this trilogy on my wishlist. Just like so many books, these have been looking pretty on my shelves, but haven’t been read. Angelfall will finally be read!

Read a book out loud, at least one chapter

I’ll probably end up reading out loud to my kitties, but it still counts, haha. Last Girls is a book I’ll be reading early on in the month. I was lucky to get an e-arc of this story and it sounds amazing! Hopefully my cats will enjoy it just as much as I do!

Read a book recommended by a friend

There are so many books I can choose for this prompt, haha. I’m lucky to have some amazing bookish friends, so I have quite a big pile of friend recommendations on my shelf. So for the readathon, I’m going to pick up Sweet Black Waves. The third book in this trilogy releases this year, so hopefully I can catch up!

Read a summer beach read

Summer beach reads for me are contemporary books. A more recent release, Only Mostly Devestated, has been calling to me. So I didn’t have to think about this one that long!

Read an intimidating book you’ve been putting off

This is a hard one! I’m not one that really finds books to be intimidating. It’s more that I tend to avoid bigger books, because they take longer for me to read, haha. Isabelle and I have a project we want to do for the blog, so I’ll pick up a book for that. King of Scars is one of the books Isabelle chose for me for our project and it’s not a small book.

Read a book that has been on your TBR for ever

I want to choose at least one middle grade book for this readathon! To start off my middle grade reading, I’m going to pick up my copy of A Pinch of Magic. I got this one for my birthday and have wanted to read it since! It technically hasn’t been on my TBR for that long, but for me it feels like forever.

Read a book with a magical kingdom

I’m not completely sure if this really has a magical kingdom, but my e-arc has been calling me. The Court of Miracles releases next month and I need to make sure I have read it by then. If I look at the title, does sound rather magical. Don’t you think?

Read an #OwnVoice book

To add at least one other middle grade book to this list, I’m going to pick up Sal and Gabi Break the Universe. I’ve been wanting to read this one since I heard about it and I finally bought it with a gift certificate I received from work. Hopefully I love it!

Read a real tearjerker

I’m definitely a sensitive reader, so books definitely have me in tears more ofthen than I’d like, haha. There’s one book on my TBR that I know will make me cry, but sounds really good. Five Feet Apart has also been turned into a movie. I like reading the book before watching the movie, so sounds like the perfect opportunity to finally read the book and watch the movie.


So that’s what I want to read for this readathon! It’s also middlegrade May, so I hope to read a lot of those as well. Are you going to participate in this readathon? Let me know what team you’re on in the comments!

10 thoughts on “Bookish Item| Seamaydenathon TBR

  1. Wow! This sounds so fun! I’ve got SO MANY books to read in May, so I don’t think I’ll be able to do this one this year, but I can’t wait to see how it goes for you, your books sound really great and I hope you love them all!

  2. Ooooh can’t wait to see what you think of The Court Of Miracles!! I read that this month! I hope you enjoy it! Michelle Harrison is also a great author – have you read any of her other works? I need to read this one but have read some of her others before! Great list!! πŸ’œπŸ˜Š

    1. No, this will be my first book by her! I honestly didn’t know she had other books published!

      1. ooh really? Michelle Harrison has a MG trilogy starting with Thirteen Secrets (about faeries and magic – its really good and gets darker as the series goes on!) And a teen/ya book called Unrest about a boy who can see ghosts, also a pretty good read – all definitely worth checking out if you like the one you plan to read! I haven’t read the series you are starting with yet but definitely plan to because I love her writing!! I hope you enjoy!! πŸ’œ

        1. Oh! Those sound like books I need to check out! Thanks for mentioning them <3

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