I’ve become a broken record when it comes to writing my reviews for this author. Taylor Danae Colbert has never written the same type of book twice and she hasn’t disappointed me yet! I’ve loved all of her books, so I was really excited when she announced her next book Fighting Words. This book released last week and I just have to share my love for it.
A big thanks to the author for providing me with an ARC to read and review. I’m a few days late with writing my review, but it just took me that long to put everything into words for my love of this book. Let’s take a look at what it’s all about!
I was a firm believer that those “nights of passion” people talk about—like when they refer to one-night stands or extramarital affairs—don’t really exist. Getting “caught up in the moment” doesn’t really happen. It’s just an excuse for a bad decision.
And I don’t have time to waste on decisions like that. Now, it’s my time to shine in the real world. I’m moving on, never looking back on the painful past my family and I have been trying to rebuild from.
That is, until I run—full-speed, I might add—into the man responsible for wrecking our lives all those years ago.
And then it happens—that bad decision. And wouldn’t you know it? I can’t stop myself. Wyatt Mills is a deadly force that I’m not ready for. And to be honest, I don’t think he was ready for me, either. That’s what five years of pent-up hate energy will do to you, I guess.
But Wyatt is the same guy who wrongfully accused my father of a crime he didn’t commit. Taking away everything. Putting our family through turmoil. I hate his living guts.
But I got caught up in the moment.
And I want to do it all over again.
“She hates me, and I get it. But I can’t hate her back. I never could. And now I know I never will.”
Fighting Words was such an emotional rollercoaster and Taylor had me feeling everything from the start. I am always a big fan of stories that can make me feel something and I felt it all while reading Fighting Words. I could feel the anger, sadness, love and forgiveness all of these characters felt.
This story isn’t your typical romance and takes place in the past and present. Something awful happened a few years before this story starts and our main character Wyatt says he saw something that changes Maryn’s family’s life. Her father is accused and everyone’s life gets turned upside down. I loved how the chapters were divided between the past and present. It really fit these characters and their story. I felt so bad for these families and I can’t imagine what they went through. I won’t give too many details, because this is just one you need to read and experience.
“Remember how worthy you are of every sinigle day you’re given on this earth. Take time to learn your purpose, and then go after it. Don’t let anything to make you too afraid to live.”
Wyatt has tried to pick up his life after everything that happened, but it’s not something he’ll ever forget. His character was an interesting one. I loved seeing him still fight for his dreams, but how much he loved his family as well. There was even a scene with him that had me in tears. It was written so well! Maryn couldn’t wait to get out of town after everything that happened and her hate for Wyatt has never disappeared. She’s very loyal and a hard worker and is ready to start over with a new career.
Fighting Words isn’t your typical enemies to lovers romance. Maryn and Wyatt run into each other again and even though they can’t forget their past, they also can’t seem to get pass the attraction they feel for each other. It’s so understandable how they’re feeling and the journey to get to the other is so emotional. Their relationship is a whole process and full of emotiones. Grief, attraction, sadness, guilt, forgivness and acceptance. There are definitely elements of romance and some steamy moments that worked so well, but Fighting Words was so much more.
“I can feel him trying to fix our past, trying to mend old wounds by stopping these new ones before they form. But what he doesn’t get is that he is an old wound for me. One I’m not sure I want to heal if it means I can’t have him.”
Once again,Taylor got me to love her characters and they won’t be easy to forget. This is such an unique story and I don’t think I’ve read one like this before. Fighting Words sucked me in and still hasn’t let me go days after finishing the last chapter. I definitely see myself going back to this one in the future!
Like I said before, I’ve loved all of her books. So here’s the list and if you click on the title it will go to my review for that book:
Once again, I was actually sad when this book ended. I love when authors keep surprising you in such an amazing way. It will be interesting what she gives us next. What author keeps surprising you in an amazing way? Let me know in the comments!
Glad you loved this! I haven’t read anything by this author before!
I really recommend her work!