We have two weeks until Hallween, but I plan on doing another tag that day, so it’s time for one that Halloween related. I decided to Google Halloween Book Tags and stumbled upon the All About Halloween Book Tag on Madame Writer‘s blog. This tag was created by Catfairy Books (the site doesn’t appear to work anymore). So let’s start talking all about Halloween!
What are your favorite Halloween movies?
I have a few Halloween movies that I love. There is one movie that I watch ever single year and that’s It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. I watched this every year growing up and still watch it faithfully! Also, Hocus Pocus is a movie that will never get old! Also, Halloweentown will never get old. It’s been a few years since I’ve since this one, so I definitely need to watch this one again soon!
What is your favorite Halloween book?
A favorite Halloween book… I don’t really have one specific book. There is a book I’ve talked about a few times in recent tags, but it definitely fits this question. Small Spaces has become my favorite Halloween book. It’s definitely a creepy book and I think it would be perfect to read on Halloween.
What other Halloween books would you recommend?
One of the books I’d definitely recommend during this time of year is Follow Me Back. That book is so good and you definitely get a creepy feeling while reading it! I read it in one sitting. Another book I’d recommend is Wilder Girls. This book takes place on an island where a school has been infected with a disease and it out itsself differently with everyone. This one the first horror I’ve read for awhile and I couldn’t put it down! I would also recommend The Wicked Deep. It takes place in the summer, but has the perfect Halloween vibes!
Do you own any Halloween ugly sweaters?
No, I don’t own any ugly Halloween sweaters. Here in The Netherlands, Halloween isn’t a big thing. Every year, we slowly get more decorations and it seems people notice it more. Hopefully it will eventually be bigger here as well and then maybe we’ll get sweaters.
What are some of your favorite Halloween costumes?
When I was younger I loved the typical Halloween costumes: witch, devil, cat, pirate and I was even a troll, haha. These days I love seeing costumes of characters in my favorite books/movies/tv shows. People are so creative and I’ve seen some amazing creations!
What are you doing for Halloween this year?
I don’t have any special plans this year. We will definitely buy some candy, so if we have kids ring the doorbell they will have a treat. Last year, the weather was really bad, so we ended up eating the candy.
What is your favorite childhood Halloween memory?
I don’t have one specific memory that jumps out at me. What I do remember is how excited my uncle gets around this time of year. He always decorates and goes all out. I remember his costumes when I was younger and how creepy they were. The whole Halloween feeling is amazing and trick-or-treating was just an extra fun aspect of the day!
Living in The Netherlands, definitely makes me miss holidays like Halloween. So I’m curious, what are you dressing up as this year? Also, please tag yourself if you want to do this Halloween tag. Just make sure to let me know when you do, because I’d love to see your answers!
Are Halloween jumpers a thing? I love a Christmas jumper but a Halloween jumper seems a jumper too far 😀 😀
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I’ve seen a few, but they’re definitely not as popular as Christmas!
Halloweentown is possibly my favorite Disney Channel Movie of all time.
Halloween is my favorite holiday!
I am not super into Halloween, but I love how much kids love it. Handing out candy is my fav!
Definitely! Seeing all the costumes is so much fun.
I am dressing up as a Ravenclaw student this year! Haha it isn’t super creative but I made the robe myself <3 I think my favorite costumes are the ones where people get super creative too! Great answers 😀
Brittany recently posted…Down The TBR Hole #13
I’d say making the robe yourself is pretty creative. Hope you have a great Halloween 😀