Bookish Item | Read-a-thons

Today I want to talk about read-a-thons! There are a lot of fun ones being hosted this month and I keep on trying the participate. I just read about the Avengersreadathon19, which looks super cool. And of course there’s the O.W.L.’s read-a-thon I adore. While I would too participate in all the fun read-a-thons I come across, I simply don’t. Why not? Let’s talk about it!

There are a lot of different kinds of read-a-thons to find. Some go for a weekend, a week, a month, or even longer than that. Usually there is some type of theme surrounding the read-a-thon. For example the O.W.L.’s read-a-thon hosted by G from BookRoast is a Harry Potter themed one that lasts all of April. I participated last year and loved it a whole lot. The Avengersreadathon19 is based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe and is in honor of the release of Endgame. I really like all the concepts for this one!

Last month I participated in the TBR and Beyond Graphic Novel weekend read-a-thon. I really liked that one because it was so simple. You just had to read as many graphic novels as you wanted and just for one weekend. As I don’t work with a preset TBR, I sometimes have trouble sticking to prompts for read-a-thons. Especially when they go for a whole month. While I love getting ready and picking out books I might want to read I can never keep up with it. I also sometimes kinda forget I was participating in a read-a-thon and have to try and match the books I read to a prompt. Which never works out that well haha.

But even though I usually fail with those longer read-a-thons I do keep on trying. Especially G’s Magical Read-a-thons like the O.W.L.’s one I want to participate in always. And there are a couple of other ones I haven’t participated in yet but would love too. For example, there’s the Tome Topple Read-A-Thon, where you have to read books with more than 500 pages. And since I have a ton of those I still want to read that would be the perfect moment to finally do so.

Something else I really want to try at some point it a 24-hours read-a-thon. Where you try to read for as much of the 24 hours the read-a-thon goes. Or the 24in48 one, where I believe you have to read 24 hours out of the 48 hours the read-a-thon goes for. This seems so challenging but also so much fun! As soon as one is planned for a weekend I don’t have to do anything, I’m going to try it.

So this is my short takes on read-a-thons haha. I just really wanted to talk about it! Do you participate in read-a-thons? And do you know of any fun (short) ones? Please let me know in the comments!

3 thoughts on “Bookish Item | Read-a-thons

    1. Yes I have those same issues! I actually just came across another Graphic Novel readathon. It was over on Booktube and I believe it’s called Panelathon!

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