Almost a year ago I looked at the most popular books on my TBR for a tag and I thought it would be fun to do something similar today! But instead of looking at the most popular books, I’ll take a look at the least popular books. I once again used my own-TBR shelf on Goodreads to do this and sorted the shelf by number of ratings and by average rating. Just like last time I looked at both those things. There was some overlap between both of them last time, do you think it will be the same this time around? Let’s get into it!
Least popular by number of ratings
Almost a year ago I looked at the most popular books on my TBR for a tag and I thought it would be fun to do something similar today! But instead of looking at the most popular books, I’ll take a look at the least popular books. I once again used my own-TBR shelf on Goodreads to do this and sorted the shelf by number of ratings and by average rating. Just like last time I looked at both those things. There was some overlap between both of them last time, do you think it will be the same this time around? Let’s get into it!
Least popular by number of ratings
1.De Kristallen Sleutel (Out There #1) – Manon Spierenburg
49 ratings – 2,76 average
This is a Dutch book so I guess it’s not that weird that has so little ratings. I have a feeling this will also score high in regards of the low rating. To be honest, I’m not too interested in this book anymore and I might unhaul it.
2.The Little Book of Astrology – Marion Williamson
60 ratings – 4,08 average
I really like having this book and I think most people who own this wouldn’t leave a Goodreads rating for it. So this one feels a little bit off haha. I will read small parts from this one but it’s not a book I read back to back quickly.
3.Judged (The Blackheart Legacy #3) – Liz de Jager
64 ratings – 4,12 average
I’m so sad this series has so little ratings! The first two books made it to my TTT for books with less than 2000 ratings. I am happy to see it has a high average rating and I really hope to pick it up soon before I forget everything that happens in the first two books haha.
4. Asylum 54.0 – Nadege Richards
66 ratings – 3,88 average
I got this one in a subscription box and have never heard anyone talk about it. Makes sense that it made it’s way onto this list! To be honest, I’m not that interested in reading this one and I might unhaul this one as well.
5.The Archies & Other Stories – Matthew Rosenberg
68 ratings – 3,46 average
I’m actually currently reading this! This was a birthday present from Candyce and I started reading it right away haha. I’m not super surprised to see it on this list although I had expected a little more ratings.
6.Game of Thrones Psychology – Travis Langley
152 ratings – 3,66 average
I love psychology and I love popular psychology books. It’s a lot of fun seeing psychology principles used to understand popular tv show and movies and such. I don’t read this super quick and it will be a while before I finish it. But I do really enjoy it.
7.Can You Solve My Problems? – Alex Bellos
154 ratings – 4,05 average
Another non-fiction! I’m starting to see a pattern haha. I am inclined to pick up the more popular non-fiction ones first as it’s not a preferred genre so I like to set myself up for success with these. This one does have a good rating average, so that gives me some hope haha.
8.The Wrong Train – Jeremy de Quidt
445 ratings – 3,55 average
I have never heard of this book before I came across it in the Waterstones. Makes sense it has so little ratings! I have started reading this one and it started promising! Hopefully I can continue reading it soon and will it keep on entertaining me.
9.Suspicious Minds – Rob Brotherton
451 ratings – 3,78 average
Anddd another non-fiction and a psychology one at that. I think I will highly enjoy this one and was actually expecting it to have more ratings. Probably because I have heard people talk about this one before.
10.Thief’s Cunning – Sarah Ahiers
482 ratings – 3.67 average
This is the sequel/companion to Assassin’s Heart, a book I haven’t heard too many people talk about. And I have heard no one, expect some of my closest bookish friends talk about the sequel. I don’t have super high expectations but I do hope for a fast paced read.
Least popular by average rating
1.De Kristallen Sleutel (Out There #1) – Manon Spierenburg
49 ratings – 2,76 average
And there it is again! I don’t want to say too much about this one, chances are it will get unhauled soon.
2.Changeling (Order of Darkness #1) – Philippa Gregory
8.172 ratings – 3,23 average
I’m pretty sad to see this one hear because I’m really looking forward to reading his. At the same time, a 3,23 average rating isn’t too bad.
3.Reign of the Fallen (Reign of the Fallen #1) – Sarah Glenn Marsh
2.442 ratings – 3,42 average
Everyone I know that read this book loved it! So how did it find it’s way onto my list? I’m pretty confused to be honest haha. This is another book I already started and I hope to continue it soon. I was enjoying it so far!
4.The Neverland Wars (The Neverland Wars #1) – Audrey Greathouse
766 ratings – 3,43 average
The synopsis really intrigued me but I’ve kinda forgotten about the book since. I have had it for a couple of years I believe but I’m just never inclined to pick it up. It’s getting another chance but it might find it’s way to the unhaul pile soonish.
5.The Falcon Throne (The Tarnished Crown Quintet #1) – Karen Miller
660 ratings – 3,44 average
I own this one in Dutch and I’m very happy about that. Adult fantasy can be pretty dense and it would take me so much energy to read a big fantasy novel in English. For example I read all of the Game of Thrones books in Dutch.
6.Vassa in the Night – Sarah Porter
4.966 ratings – 3,45 average
I have been wanting to read this one for ever! Hopefully I can start this one soonish. Some trusted reviewers really liked this one so I’m going to go ahead and assume I will like it too.
7.The Archies & Other Stories – Matthew Rosenberg
68 ratings – 3,46 average
This is another double one, I’m sad to see it doesn’t have a higher rating but I guess that’s just the way it is. Hopefully I will enjoy it more!
8.Fire&Heist – Sarah Beth Durst
1.390 ratings – 3,47 average
I loved the synopsis for this one, but a friend of mine read this one and she absolutely hated the book haha. You can imagine how scared I am off reading this one now haha. I truly hope I will enjoy it more because the idea of the book sounds right up my alley.
9.Aerie (Magonia #2) – Maria Dahvana Headley
1.883 ratings – 3,49 average
This is the sequel to Magnolia, a book I haven’t read yet. If I go off these average ratings I’ll hold off on this one if I don’t love the first one. But I have to read that one first before I can say something sensible about Aerie.
10.Miss Mayhem (Rebel Belle #2) – Rachel Hawkins
9.670 ratings – 3,48 average
And this is also a sequel, but this is the Rebel Belle sequel. I had heard positive things about this series when I bought it but have since seen quite some negative reviews. For me these books can either way and I just have to experience them for myself!
There was quite some range of books in this one! I think the most popular ones were a lot more from the same authors and more expected. This was so interesting to look at. Do you ever look at things like this? Let me know in the comments!
I have not read any of these, but fun idea for a tag. I wonder what books on my list have the lowest ratings…might need to check Goodreads.
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I thought it would be interesting to look at! Might revisit this post when I finally read them haha. Tag us if you end up doing a post about it, would love to see your list!