It’s not often that I come across books where the author has the same name as me, haha. When that happened and I liked the sypnopsis of the book, I knew I had to read Bacon Pie! Definitely an unique title. The authors were kind enough to send me an e-copy of Bacon Pie. Today you can read my thoughts on this book!
Lia Abbie has the easy life—kicking it back with old school video games, hanging out with her best friend Barnabas, and alternating her living schedule between the apartments of her two dads and her mom.
Kiev Jimenez is a theater geek who loves him some Shakespeare and taking care of his pet armadillo. He has one set goal in life: obtaining the role of Horatio for the Hamlet school play.
When a showdown between Lia and Kiev lands them in the principal’s office, they’re forced into volunteer work at the cringe-worthy Piggy Palooza Festival, or risk being suspended. Lia and Kiev aren’t thrilled about the situation, especially when it interferes with Lia’s relaxed life and Kiev’s theater role. But by working together, they may find more than just bacon—possibly a little love in the air.
This was the first time I read a book by either author and I have to say I’m pleasantly surprised. Bacon Pie is a Young Adult Contemporary novel. I enjoyed that this book has a mixture of romance, humor and a little adventure.
This book is about Kiev and Lia. Kiev loves the theater and is preparing for a role in the school’s next play. Horatio is a character he has invested in and is crushed when he finds out this part is already taken. Theater seems a way for him to deal with his emotions surrounding his home life.
Lia loves her old school video games and her life involves spending time gaming, with her best friend Barnabas and living with her mom and two dads. She doesn’t see herself as a girly girl and is happy with her Nintendo.
Bacon Pie is a fast paced book that is told from Lia and Kiev’s POV. I loved this aspect of the story. It’s a lot of fun to see how they’re both thinking. This story seems to be a enemies to lovers type of story, but that makes it so much fun. When Lia punches Kiev they’re forced to volunteer at the Piggy Palooza Festival. Neither of them want to be there.
I loved seeing the characters change as they got to know each other. They don’t want to like each other, but they can’t stop the fact that they get along and are starting to like each other. The fighting and joking between them is a lot of fun. Bacon Pie had me laughing out loud quite often.
On top of the fun relationship between Lia and Kiev, I loved the other aspects of this book. Kiev has a pet armadillo, how unique is that? Lia’s dads are a lot of fun and Barnasbas is his own unique self. In all honesty, I didn’t care for Kiev’s best friend most of the story. He grew on me near the end though!
There were certain aspects of this story that weren’t as worked in the story as others. The fact that Kiev loves the theater really isn’t in the story much except for him running lines, his family life clearly had some stuff going on and seemed solved all of a sudden and I would’ve liked a bit more closure with Barnanas and Sophie. I got invested in that storyline!
All in all, Bacon Pie is a really fun book! I couldn’t tell this was written by two authors and I always see that as a compliment to the people who write together!
I hope that these two authors write another book together! What was the latest book to surprise you? Let me know in the comments!