We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since last January Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.
This week’s topic is The Ten Most Recent Additions to My To-Read List. To do this week’s top 10, I looked at the most recent books I added to my “want to read” shelf on Goodreads. The physical books I add to my collection are put in a bookhaul, so I don’t want to repeat that!
1. Finding Mr. Better-Than-You – Shani Petroff I’ve loved all the books by this author so far, so I was very excited to see that she announced another book. As a big fan of a good contemporary read, she’s definitely a go to author. I’m only upset that I have to wait a whole year for this book!!
2. Spin the Dawn – Elizabeth Lim I love retellings, so a book described as Project Runway meets Mulan. That definitely caught my eye. It also states perfect for the fans of Sarah J Maas, I think I’m sold, haha. I can’t wait to read this magical journey!
3. This Summer at the Lake – Daphne James Huff A new book by another one of my favorite contemporary authors! I have read multiple books by her and she hasn’t disappointed me yet. Her books often take place in small towns. I received an ARC of this book, so my review will be posted soon!
4. An Affair of Poisions – Addie Thorley I’ve said before that I want to read more historical fiction this year and An Affair of Poisons sounds like one that should be on my list this year. I signed up for the blog tour, so who knows, maybe I’ll get to read early?
5. Junk Mail – Kendall Ryan After really enjoying Let’s Get Textual, a book with a selfie sent to a wrong number sounds like a really interesting story. Kendall Ryan knows how to write romances, so I’m excited to see what she does with this one!
6. Boyfriend for Hire – Kendall Ryan I’m a big fan of romances where a relationship starts out as an arrangement. They’re predictable in the sense that feelings always end up getting messy, but I love seeing how authors give it their own twist!
7. Sorcery of Thorns – Margaret Rogerson I haven’t even read An Enchantment of Ravens yet, but besides this gorgeous cover, the story sounds amazing. Once I read there will be a magical library, I knew I needed to add this book to my list.
8. We Hunt the Flame – Hafsah Faizal Besides a stunning cover, this book sounds amazing. I think We Hunt the Flame is going to have a very strong female lead. Being seen as a legend can’t be easy, so I can’t wait to see how this turns out!
9. King of Fools – Amanda Foody I recently finished Ace of Shades and it was such a positive surprise that I needed to add the sequel to my list right away. I’m actually rather glad that I didn’t read this until now, so I don’t have to wait long for this one!
10. My Contrary Mary – Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton & Jodi Meadows The first two books of The Lady Janies have been amazing! Earlier this month these three authors announced a new trilogy with different famous Marys! The first one won’t be out for a couple of years, but at least it’s been added to my list!
These are the latest books I added to my TBR. Are there any books that you want to read as well? Feel free to leave your TTT in the comments!
Looks like a great list!
Sorcery of Thorns does sound pretty amazing, and I remember wanting to read Enchantment of ravens too. Also love the cover of Finding Mr. Better-Than-You. For some reason I’m always drawn to mazes on covers. 🙂
great list! I’m really excited about a lot of them!
Boyfriend for Hire is one I preordered and can’t wait to read it. Haven’t read anything by this author yet and I’m so excited to do so! Sorcery of Thorns is one I’m really curious about as well. And Spin the Dawn too!
I’ve added my TTT article with the commentluv box
Melissa’s fandom world recently posted…[TOP TEN TUESDAY] The Ten Most Recent Additions to My To-Read List
I think you’ll love Kendall Ryan! She’s so much fun!!