Wishlist Wednesday | Faeries

Last week, The Wicked King was released. Even though we both still need to read The Cruel Prince, we decided to devote this Wishlist Wednesday to books that include faeries. What books do we want to add to our collections? Let’s take a look!

The Darkest Part of the Forest – Holly Black I guess it’s only appropriate to add this to the wishlist, with The Wicked King also being a book by this author, haha. This book came out in 2015 and I really love the cover. A lot of people on my Goodreads list have read this and are pretty positive. Just the fact that there is a glass coffin in the woods with a boy that’s been sleeping for ages, sounds really interesting!

An Enchantment of Ravens – Margaret Rogerson To be honest, I’m not sure why this one hasn’t been added to my shelves yet. The cover is gorgeous! A skilled painter and a love story with a faerie prince. Sounds like something I need to read. I’ve also seen the cover for the companion novel and it’s just as gorgeous.

Wondrous Strange – Lesley Livingston Stories where the main character learns of a secret heritage are always interesting, even if they’ve been done a million times. This book is almost 10 years old and I’m surprised I’ve never heard of it. I met this author almost two years ago and I love her book The Valiant!

Lament: The Faerie Queen’s Deception – Maggie Stiefvater I adore Maggie Stiefvaters Raven Cycle series and want to read all of her books. Lament is her first book in the Faerie series. I haven’t heard too much about it and I’m not really sure what it’s about. But knowing it’s by Maggie Stiefvater and knowing it features faeries, means I’m pretty sure I’ll enjoy it!

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell – Susanna Clarke This book has been on my wishlist for quite a while! It’s a super big book with over a 1000 pages, so I’m pretty intimidated by it haha. Apparently there is a tv show based on this book as well. This is definitely something I would love to check out after reading the book. There are some very mixed reviews for this one, but I think the premise sounds super intriguing.

Daughter of the Forest – Juliet Marillier This is another one that has been on my wishlist for quite awhile! I haven’t read a Juliet Marillier book yet but I would love to try one. A friend of mine actually loaned me this book and the rest of the trilogy. I still need to start them though. If I love them as much as I think I will, I definitely want my own copies! The book gets really high ratings but not that many of my friends have read it. I did see a couple of 5 star reviews in my friend list, but also a DNF and a couple of 3 star reviews. Most of my friends have it as -want-to-read though haha. I hope to pick it up soon!

These are the books about faeries we still want to add to our collections and read! What books involving faeries did you love? We are always open to suggestions!

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