Bookish Item | Always Fully Booked Planner

I love planner and bullet journals but I have difficulty sticking to using them. This year I hope to change that with my bookish planner! I purchased the Always Fully Booked Planner from Little Inklings Designs for the coming year and I’m so excited to use it. So excited that I want to show you all a couple of pages today! So let’s get in to it!

Look at that beautiful cover! I absolutely adore this planner and most of that has to do with the gorgeous design. The colors used throughout this planner are great and I’m absolutely in love with it.

There are a couple of sections in this planner. First off we start with some general 2019 pages. I haven’t filled out most of them yet, for example the favorite quotes part. After a little deliberating I decided to fill that page with the best quotes I read this coming year. There are also some pages with bookcases where you can fill in all of your books. Since I have way to many I plan on using it for the books I read this year.

The next section is for all 12 months. Every month has a little calendar, a TBR page, a New Releases page and a week planner, just to name a few pages.

One of the pages in the general section is this ‘2019 GOALS’ page. This is one I filled out right away! We did a 2019 goals post at the end of 2018 and those goals fitted perfectly on this page. I really enjoyed filling this out, and while there are a ton of people who do this a lot more beautifully than I will ever be able to do, I’m very happy with the outcome.

Every month starts with a gorgeous page like the one above. I looked through the whole planner and honestly can’t pick a favorite! They all look amazing and fill me with joy every time I look at them. The next page looks a bit embarrassing…. We do an anticipated releases post every month so I have a ton of new releases for January… But I think I will use this only for the releases I actually get. I’m still debating what to do exactly but I think filling out alll of the releases will be too much. Maybe just my 10 most anticipated each month? Let me know in the comments what you would do!

One of my favorite pages currently is this TBR page. I normally don’t set a TBR at the start of the month as I like to just read whatever I feel like reading at that moment. But I had a couple of buddy reads planned for this month and I’m participating in a blog tour. So I definitely ‘need’ to read those books. I think this is the first time I actually wrote down by (partly) TBR. The book that is highlighted is the one I already finished.

I wrote BR following the books I’m buddyreading and those colors correspond with the weekly planner I’ll show you in a bit. Other than setting my TBR this page isn’t anything special haha. But I’m just really happy that planning out my reading month is actually working for once!


The last page I want to show today is this part of the weekly planner. I’m using my phone calendar for all my appointments, work, and social dates. So I decided to use this planner for my bookish ‘appointments’ haha. I wrote down the blog posts I need to write for these dates, and highlight them as soon as I finish writing them. And I wrote down the buddyread schedule, so I can see which chapters I need to read that particular day. I don’t think I’ll be using the ‘pages read’ section, but maybe I’ll start using that next month. For now I’m really happy with the way I’m using the weekly planner.

And that’s a quick first look at my Always Fully Booked Planner! I plan on doing a little update somewhere in the middle of the year probably. Would you all like that? And then I can also show you how it looks at the end of the year! Assuming I’m sticking with it 😉 Haha. Do you use a bookish planner? Let me know in the comments!

8 thoughts on “Bookish Item | Always Fully Booked Planner

  1. Great set up of the article!! I’m so in love with this planner! Really need one next year as well. Yours looks so well set up. Mine is in total CHAOS hahaha.

    I’m still working through the set up of my own planner article haha. But I’ve used some twin markers, alcohol based, and they have an enormous amount of ghosting. So it’s terrible now to showcase some pages, it’s so sad haha.

    1. Thank you <3 I’m sure yours looks wonderful as well. That’s too bad about those twin markers! I own quite some alcohol based twin markers as well and I’m too scared to use them for anything haha. I’ve used them once and they bled through and that’s the last time I used them. Hopefully you can still show us some of your other pages, you always put so much effort in!

    1. I would definitely recommend getting one! I was so happy she restocked when she did and I managed to grab one <3

    1. Haha, I’m sure you’re not the only one! I love to have planners, but I’m awful at keeping up, really hope this one will make me better at it

  2. Aww, I remember having a bookish planner way back when! I can’t remember it clearly now since it was so long ago, but I remember loving it so much. Your bookish planner looks amazing! My current planner is not so bookish, but I quite like it and hopefully I get to use it more often (I suck at using planners consistently hahaha).

    1. Hahaha, well then you get me! I love having it but suck at using it haha. It does look amazing doesn’t it? I definitely would get this again next year

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