Last week Candyce and I met up with our bookish friends so celebrate ‘Sintekerst’ together. Sintekerst? I hear you ask, yes, you read that right haha. It’s a mashup from Christmas (Kerst in Dutch) and our Dutch holiday Sint Nicolaas. We exchanged presents after we went out for a lovely dinner. Last year we did this as well and on the way home we were surprised by a ton of snow. And of course this year the weather forecast said there was going to be snow again! Luckily the weather wasn’t too bad and we got a change to exchange our presents. Excited to see what we got? Keep on reading!
It’s always so much fun putting together a little something for a friend and I’m so glad we decided to do this little celebration together again! I put some of the books I wanted on my wishlist (even though it took me quite awhile to think of a list) and some fandoms I wanted goodies for! Let’s see what I got!
My Sinterkerst started off with these two chocolatey goodies! Curling up with a book, cocoa and chocolate is the perfect way to spend a day in the winter (or any season really, haha). I am really excited to try out this cocoa. A friend of ours loves these and I have a feeling I will too!
LUX is one of my favorite series and until recently, it’s not been easy to find bookish goodies related to these books. Faerie Tales candles made this amazing candle and I was so shocked when I opened it! This candle smells and looks amazing. I know I won’t burn it though, because it’s just too pretty!
We wouldn’t be bookish friends if we also didn’t add books to the gifts we were giving! The first book I got was One Day in December. I’ve seen this book around since the holiday season started and it really spoke to me. I think this will be the perfect read for Christmas Eve or after dinner on Christmas day.
The second book I got was Odd One Out. One of our friends was a big fan of this book and it made me curious. This book has gotten some mixed reviews, so who knows where I’ll end up? Nic Stone is going to be one of the authors at YALFest here next year, so if I decide to go, it’s good to have a book from her!
I always have a wishlist a mile long, but as soon as I actually have to give that list to someone my mind goes blank haha. In the end I did manage to put together a nice list of books I would love to own. Because I own a lot of goodies my secret santa asked me to put together a goodie-wishlist as well haha. Let’s take a look at what I got!
I got these gorgeous magnetic bookmarks from Dreamy&co. The top one is Jughead and how can you not love it! I adore Jughead and can’t have enough Riverdale goodies. The bottom two are Ezra and Kady from the Illuminae files. I actually didn’t own any Illuminae goodies so I’m super happy with these. And they are so pretty!! I will for sure order more bookmarks from them.
And I also got these two wonderful books! The first one is Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris, the first book in the Sookie Stackhouse series. I watched the first episode of True Blood and want to watch the rest, but I obviously need to read the books first 😉 This cover looks really cool and I hope I can find more of this series in the same edition.
The other book is Give the Dark My Love by Beth Revis. Another gorgeous cover and from what I gathered from the reviews, this is an amazing YA fantasy. Give the Dark My Love features a antiheroine and is supposed to be very dark. I absolutely love the title and can’t wait to start reading this one.
These are our ‘Sintekerst’ presents this year! We’re super happy with all we got <3 And the Bookish Christmas present bonanza isn’t over yet. You can expect another unboxing next week. Did you read any of the books we got? And what is a fandom you have hardly any goodies from? Let us know in the comments!