TTT #58 | Winter 2018 TBR

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since last January Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is my Winter 2018 TBR. I’m not good at keeping to a TBR, so I will list some books I hope and want to read in the next couple of months! There are plenty of them, so it shouldn’t be a problem thinking of ten, haha. Let’s take a look!

1. The Return – Jennifer L. Armentrout I loved the Convenant series by this author and Seth was one of my favorite characters. I have all four books in this spin-off series, so I really need to continue with his story!

2. Fallout – Gwenda Bond I saw this book on Bookstagram quite awhile ago and I have never read anything about Lois Lane. I love the covers and the story sounds really interesting. It’s been on my shelf forever, so I really need to read it, haha.

3. Falling Kingdoms – Morgan Rhodes I hear a lot of mixed things about this series, but I’ve also heard that it gets better after the first book. Falling Kingdoms came out in 2012, so I’m a bit late to this series, haha.

4. That Inevitable Victorian Thing – E.K. Johnston This sounds like something that I will love, but yet again another book I just haven’t made time for yet! I have read a few historical fiction books this year and have loved them, so this one needs to get added to the top of my TBR.

5. Carry On – Rainbow Rowell I really want to reread Carry On this winter. I never expected to get a sequel and I need to be prepared for when it’s released. It’s a lot like Harry Potter, but I love the little twists it gets. Rereading is something I really want to do more often, so we’ll start with this one!

6. Shadow & Bone – Leigh Bardugo I read this one last year I think (it’s sad that I can’t remember, haha). Isabelle said she wants to reread the whole trilogy to prepare for King of Scars. I thought a buddyread would be a good idea to get me to read them all as well, so I will start over again.

7. Everless – Sara Holland The sequel to this is releasing soon and to be honest, this book has been staring at me since I got it at the beginning of the year. I know a few people who enjoyed it and I am interested to see how this book plays out!

8. A Curious Beginning – Deanna Raybourn I don’t own this book yet, but I think I will order it with the gift certificate I got from my job. A friend from the TBR & Beyond book group is really enthusiastic about this book and it sounds really good. I have to check it out!

9. Girls of Paper & Fire – Natasha Ngan I was just about ready to pick this up at the beginning of the month and then I got really sick. I got really behind with reading and had to hurry to catch up on certain reads, so this one got put on hold. It’s definitely on top of the pile to be read soon. It sounds amazing!

10. Little White Lies – Jennifer Lynn Barnes I bought this book last month and have been excited about it since I read that it was being released. Isabelle already read it and enjoyed the story, so now I need to sit down and read it as well.


As you can see, most of the books on my winter TBR are backlist books. As you will see tomorrow, when we post our 2019 reading goals, I really want to attack my backlist books! I need to get them more under control! What books do you plan on reading this winter? Feel free to leave the link to  your TTT behind! I love seeing what everyone is going to read!

9 thoughts on “TTT #58 | Winter 2018 TBR

  1. I read the first book in that Lois Lane series when it came out and I thought it was a lot of fun!! I hope you like it. I always meant to continue on with the series. I’m also really excited about LITTLE WHITE LIES. I’ve never read a book by that author and I have been wanting to!
    Michelle @ Pink Polka Dot Books recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday– Winter TBRMy Profile

    1. It’s fun hearing from someone who has read that book! I don’t know many. I really suggest her Naturals series as well, it’s so good!!

    1. Yeah, I’m a major mood reader, so it can be hard at times! Hope you have a great week as well!

    1. I really enjoyed it! Hope you do as well when you get a chance to pick it up!

  2. Interesting list!! a curious beginning is on my tbr as well. I bought it mostly because of the awesome cover I think since mystery isn’t something I normally read a lot hahaha. I am curious about this author’s work though. If you get around to start reading it, let me know. Maybe I’ll read along with you 🙂

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