Candyce shared her reviews for the first three novella’s in the Ghosts of the Shadow Market this week and today I have my reviews for story #4, #5 and #6. I flew through all these stories in no time at all and it got me really excited to keep reading Lady Midnight. Not all were my favorites, but I’m sharing my thoughts on one of my favorite Ghosts of the Shadow Market stories today. So keep on reading to find out which that is!
Learn About Loss – Cassandra Clare & Kelly Link
This story is about Brother Zachariah and an Iron Sister in training, Emilia. They visit a carnival-like Shadow Market to retrieve adamas. This novella wasn’t my favorite by any means but it had some great moments. The story itself was just okay, even though I did like Emilia as a character. Especially her interaction with the demon concerning a possible deal were great. And I loved the Jem/Will scene A LOT. That scene really lifted this novella to a new level.
“The face of the one you love is the best mirror of all.”
A Deeper Love – Cassandra Clare & Maureen Johnson
A Deeper Love is set against the backdrop of the Second World War in London. We follow Tessa, three years after the death of Will, and Catarina Loss. They are nurses for mundanes, something I really loved. While the suffering wasn’t caused by demons, but by other mundanes, they stilled helped where they could. We also got to see some more Brother Zachariah and Tessa moments, which were cute. It was interesting to see Tessa cope with a world without Will and I did really appreciated that. But as far as to an actual story line, this novella fell very flat. It was a very short one, and apart from some Tessa/Will/Jem feels, this story didn’t add anything unfortunately.
“If she lived until the sun died, there would never be any other for her besides Will and Jem, those two twin souls, the only souls she had ever loved.”
The Wicked Ones – Cassandra Clare & Robin Wasserman
The Wicked Ones is one of my absolute favorite novellas by Cassandra Clare ever. We follow Céline Montclaire, a character we better know as Céline Herondale, aka Jace’s Mom. She visits the Shadow Market in Paris, doing some work for Valentine Morgenstern. The audiobook is narrated by Emily Bett Rickards, and I loved that so much, I wish she would do more audiobooks. She really brought Céline to life for me, as did the whole novella. We don’t really know Céline, just that she is part of the Circle, but in this novella we get her backstory and so much insight into her character. I absolutely loved reading about her. We also learn more about Robert Lightwood, Stephen Herondale, and Valentine Morgenstern. This novella added so much to all of their characters and I appreciated that a lot. I actually felt for Céline and really liked her, I wouldn’t mind reading more about her in the future. Valentine was already such a villain and it was baffling to read about all that he did and how he manipulated everyone. Apart from the amazing Céline part of the story, we also see Brother Zachariah and get a lot of information for the Dark Artifices series. This was one of the stories that made me want to continue reading Lady Midnight right away! I think it’s clear I absolutely loved this novella <3
“The challenge, Céline understood now, was to be seen—and once seen, to endure judgment.”
These were some of my thoughts about novella’s 4, 5 and 6! Tomorrow I’ll share my thoughts on novella 7&8. Did you read any of these yet? Which did you like best? Let me know in the comments!