How I Met My Book | Throne of Glass

How I Met My Book isn’t a post we’ve done in awhile, but decided we would bring it back for our Throne of Glass week. We first saw this post on Early Bookish Bird‘s blog and it seemed like the perfect fit. She started #howimetmybook. How did we meet Throne of Glass?

In this post we tell the story behind our books. The following questions will be answered: Where did we get the book? Why did we pick it up? What made us pick it up in the first place?


Where did I get this book? I actually got the first few books in this series for Christmas a couple of years ago! Books are the best gifts!

Why did I pick this book up? I actually heard about this book online and had heard some good things about it. Like we’ve said our blog wouldn’t exsist without this series, haha. Up until Queen of Shadwos was published when I first started reading, so I was able to read straight through.

I can’t imagine how hard it was to have to wait to get the next book, but then again, I have with waiting for Empire of Storms and Kingdom of Ash, haha. I think this is really one of my favorite series. I think for me the readalong was when I really fell in love with these books. Talking about what you read with people who love them as well, was such a great experience.


Where did I get this book? So, I don’t actually own a physical copy of Throne of Glass (or Crown of Midnight!)… Shocking right?! I read the first two books as ebooks and I still haven’t bought physical copies. Since the beautiful collectors edition will release soon, I’ve set my eyes on that one.

Why did I pick this book up? I heard about Throne of Glass in a booktube video and thought it sounded pretty cool. An assassin main character is pretty common these days but when I started this series (about 4,5 years ago!) it was the first time I heard about it. I fell in love with the story right away and immediately picked up Crown of Midnight and the short stories of the Assassin’s Blade.

Candyce had an easy wait but I had had to wait for the third book to release and all the other ones after that. To be honest, I didn’t really mind the wait between HoF and Qos, and between QoS and EoS. But that wait after EoS, that one was brutal! However, I am extremely grateful for hearing about this story and later on about the readathon (and meeting some of my best friends <3)

How did you meet Throne of Glass? Is there anything that made them special for you?

2 thoughts on “How I Met My Book | Throne of Glass

    1. Thank you :D! I hope you enjoy it when you pick it up. It’s one of my favorite series.

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