Even though as I’m typing this it’s pretty sunny out, lately it’s very clear that Autumn has arrived. It’s been getting colder and darker and the leaves are changing color. Which is why I went looking for a book tag that would fit this time of year. That’s when I noticed The Autumn Book Tag on The Quirky Book Nerd‘s blog. Let’s see what this tag is about!
What is your favorite thing about Autumn?
I love how the air starts to get cooler and the days get shorter. It’s time to start wearing sweaters and coats again. At night time it’s now the perfect temperature to curl up on the couch with a blanket and a cup of tea or cocoa.
What book reminds you of your school days?
Harry Potter reminds me of my school days. I started reading those when I first started school here in The Netherlands. Not knowing many people or being able to speak the language gave me a lot of free time. Diving in this amazing world of Harry Potter was very welcomed. When the last three books were released, I remember reading them with a friend. It’s a good way to bond with someone!
What cover reminds you of Autumn?
I still need to read Truthwitch, but this cover reminds me of Autumn. The bare trees and the colored leaves blowing around. I would love to take a walk where that character on the cover is. The smell of the Autumn air is the best.
What is your favorite horror or Halloween story?
I am not a fan of horror, but I do like creepy stories. And I am even starting to enjoy thrillers. I have to choose a story I first read during this time of year and one I really want to reread soon. Mara Dyer is such a creepy and dark story, A perfect Halloween read!
What is your favorite horror or Halloween movie?
Like I said in the previous question, I am not a fan of horror. I loved Casper when I was little and still love it now. I can’t believe this movie came out in 1995! That makes me feel a bit old, haha.
What fall book release are you looking forward to?
There are a lot of amazing books releasing this season, but Kingdom of Ash is on top of my list. I am currently rereading Empire of Storms (after rereading all of the other ones) and am loving this world all over again! Kingdom of Ash scares me, but I need to know how this story will continue!
What autumn movie release are you anticipating?
As a Harry Potter fan, Fantastic Beasts is high on my list. I love the trailers that have been released and I can’t wait to see The Crimes of Grindelwald. They do amazing things with special effects these days, so I know this one will be just as great!
What are three books you plan to read this autumn?
I plan on reading a lot of books this autumn, haha. Kingdom of Ash is the book on the number one spot, haha. I also hope to get to Vicious and Renegades! I am sure this can change though (except for the first one on the list). Being a moodreader can be difficult!
I’m not good at tagging people, so if this one interests you, you are tagged! Just make sure to let me know you did this tag! I would love to know what book you are most looking forward to this autumn?