Wrap Up | September

We can’t believe it’s already October! This means it’s time for us to show you what we read in September. Take a look at our September wrap up. Were we happy with our reading in September?


September was a busy month at work, but this is normally a good thing for my reading. The more I work, the more I travel, so more reading time. I read 19 books and two short stories/novellas. This brings my Goodreads challenge up to 188! That is 28 more books than I planned on reading. I’m not even going to talk about how many backlist books I have read, haha.

If I have already reviewed a book on the blog, you can click on the title to read that review.

The Grudge Match – Kayla Tirrell

This was another fun novella is the disastrous dates series. I love reading the stories of the matches gone wrong. It just proves that you can find love in the places you don’t expect. If you look back to Sunday’s post, with Kayla’s interview, there is a chance at winning a signed bookmark and some stickers!

Simon vs. the Homosapiens Agenda – Becky Albertalli

I finally saw Love, Simon and that made me want to reread this book really bad. I wasn’t feeling that well, so this was the perfect book to read. In the end, not much was changed in the movie. I still loved that book and I loved the movie!

Superhero High – T.H. Hernandez

I am a big fan of superheroes and the supernatural, so this one really interested me. I loved the twist in this story and the fact that the main character didn’t have any special abilities. I would’ve liked to have seen it a bit longer though. Some things were missing/rushed in my opinion.

Princess of Thorns & Shadow of Lela – Tessonja Odette

I had never heard of this series before, but during an author takeover in a Facebook group, I got the chance to read this novella and the first book, Shadow of Lela. This was an interesting fantasy story told from different perspectives. I would’ve liked a bit more history, but I can’t wait to see where the rest of the story goes. This author deserves more attention!

Flirting With Forever – Kendall Ryan

Another amazing book by Kendall Ryan and just like we expect from her. Humor, sexy moments and love. My only complaint about her books is that they’re too short, haha. These are the books that leave a smile on my face when done reading! I don’t know how she writes so many books in one year.

Heir of Fire & Queen of Shadows – Sarah J Maas

I continued my readalong this month with two of the books in the Throne of Glass series. I love being back in this world and have forgotten so much! I’m so happy that I decided to reread this series before Kingdom of Ash comes out. Hopefully I will be able to fit Empire of Storms and Tower of Dawn in my busy reading schedule this month.

It Goes Without Saying – Taylor Danae Colbert

Taylor is a debut author I happened to stumble upon on Instagram. I am so happy I did. I loved her debut book and I am all for friends to lovers romances. It Goes Without Saying also had a few interesting twists. I definitely recommend this romance!

Dare You to Lie – Amber Lynn Natusch

This book was described as a book for the fans of Veronica Mars and Riverdale. I have heard great things about Veronica Mars and I love Riverdale, so this was an easy decision. The author will be doing a chat in the group TBR & Beyond and this book is so good! It’s a dark story with a lot of mystery. I love the fact that there will be more books. The main characters annoyed me at times in the beginning, but I loved it otherwise.

Stalking Jack the Ripper – Kerri Maniscalco

I have been wanting to read Stalking Jack the Ripper for the longest time! With the days getting shorter, this seemed like the perfect time to start this series. I loved that the main character is way beyond her years and doesn’t accept the role that is seen as fit for a woman. I plan on reading Hunting Prince Dracula and Escaping Houdini this month.

Becoming Skye – Kelsie Stelting

The author approached me and asked if I would like to read and review for her. I have read a short story before and enjoyed it, so I definitely wanted to say yes. I loved the emotion in this story and I read it in one sitting. Becoming Skye really drew me in. I recently got the third book from the author and can’t wait to start reading it.

Sea Witch -Sarah Henning

Sea Witch is a Ursula retelling and I was really excited about it. Unfortunately, I think my expectations were too high. The author’s writing style is amazing and I love the world she created for this story. For me, the story was a bit slow and I was just kind of waiting for a plot twist that never came. All in all, it was still an enjoyable read though.

Cabin 12 – Freya Barker

I read Keeping 6 earlier this year and Cabin 12 is the next book in the series. Keeping 6 bugged me when it came to how much romance was the main part of a pretty exciting story. It seemed out of place at times. That was so different in Cabin 12. Don’t get me wrong, we get romance, but it felt perfect in this book.

Waste of Space – Gina Damico

I read this near the beginning of the month, but I’m still not sure what I really think of it. I have tried writing a review for Waste of Space since then, but my thoughts won’t transfer to a review. There is a reality show with kids going to space, but do they? A group of kids who don’t fit together end up on a journey. Ridiculous things happen. Sometimes it seems funny, but at times way too ridiculous. Maybe I will be able to write a full review this month.

The Exchange – M.F. Lorson

M.F. Lorson is an author I know, because she has written contemporaries before. I loved those, so I was really excited for The Exchange. She didn’t disappoint. In the world created in this book, kids from the past come to the future for three months to teach the future students to learn from history. This seems innocent until they start figuring out certain things don’t add up. I was excited to hear that there is going to be a sequel!

Fighting For What’s His – Laura Kaye

A friend of ours is a major fan of this author and encouraged me to sign up for this blog tour! I was very happy I did. She tackles the fact that soldiers coming back from war, don’t come back with everything being fine. Some people have seen things that they need to deal with. The characters are lovable and she really surprised me with a twist at the end. I will definitely continue reading this series.

More Than Crave You – Shayla Black

I read More Than Love You this year, so I was curious about the long lost brother we met in that book. More Than Crave You felt really different to me. I loved the characters and the romance, but I think having only one POV wasn’t the wisest decision in this book. I needed more! Even though I had that problem, I still enjoyed this story and family.

America’s Sweetheart – Jessica Lemmon

Yesterday was actually release day for this book and my review just posted. I love second chance romances and this was a fast and fun read! America’s Sweetheart is a fast book to read between heavier books!

Starstruck – S.E. Anderson

The author gave me a copy of this book to read and review and I enjoyed it. Science fiction isn’t a genre I have read a lot of, but have been enjoying exploring it. The character doesn’t have an easy day and then aliens are real. A whole new world opens up to her that she has to deal with. My full review will be posted to the blog soon.

Two Dark Reigns – Kendare Blake

Yes! I have been waiting for this book the whole year. Two Dark Reigns is the third book in this series and it was so good and a lot darker than I expected it to be. Kendare Blake took this story to a whole new level. It’s going to be awful waiting another year for the last book!

Take My Breath Away – Faith Andrews

Every Breath You Take was the first book in this duology and left me wanting more, so I can’t tell you how excited I was for Take My Breath Away. An amazing romance with suspense and amazing characters. My full review will also be posted very soon!


I had an okay reading month after a pretty slow one last month. Since I completed my Goodreads challenge I decided to pick up some bigger books and just take my time. I managed to finish 10 books this month. Two of those were actually backlist books from my TBR and I’m very happy with that.

City of Ghosts – Victoria Schwab

I got this book in London and started reading it right away! This was one of my anticipated releases for the year since Victoria is a favorite author of mine. It was such a cute MG read with the perfect amount of creepiness. I’m very happy we’re getting a sequel and I’m excited to find out which city we’ll discover and that book.

Crazy Rich Asians – Kevin Kwan

I wasn’t super interested in this book at first, but the movie trailer looked really good. And when I watch a movie adaptation, I do want to read the book first. So I figured I’d give it a try, turned out it was quite addictive! The book reads like a drama series and I had a great time reading it. I hope to watch the movie soon and will definitely read the next book in the series.

Dear Ijeawele or a Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

This was a very short audiobook I listened to. I wanted to read more non-fiction books this year and after listening to another book by the same author I wanted to listen to this as well. My expectations weren’t that high and I enjoyed the book more than I thought I would. It was pretty short but I got some nice insights. Most are pretty logical but it was nice to think a bit longer about some things.

Dragonfly in Amber – Diana Gabaldon

I finally picked this one back up! It had been quite a while since I started reading this but I was in the mood for historical fiction and wanted to finish some of the books I already started. My audiobook subscription service has the books and they are divided in parts so they don’t seem as long. I alternated between the audiobook and my physical copy depending on how long the part was and how much time I had. It was great to be back with these characters and I might start the next one soonish.

My Life Among the Serial Killers – Dr. Helen Morrison

Another non-fiction book. I love psychology and find serial killers very interesting, Criminal Minds being one of my favorite shows. My hopes were pretty high for this one and while it was interesting to listen to, I was also very disappointed. I don’t agree with a lot of statements in the book and don’t think it’s the best book about serial killers. If you have any recommendations, please let me know!

Queen of Shadows – Sarah J. Maas

Continuing my reread of the Throne of Glass series with this fourth book. I once again had forgotten quite some important moments and it was simply wonderful reading the book again. At the moment I’m reading Empire of Storms and I hope to read Tower of Dawn as well. But since I read that one last I might skip it if I don’t manage to do it before the release of Kingdom of Ash. QoS was once again amazing.

Wonder Woman: Warbringer – Leigh Bardugo

I had high hopes for this one, I love Wonder Woman, I love Leigh Bardugo and some of my friends really loved this one. Unfortunately it fell a bit flat for me. The idea behind the book was interesting enough but it just missed something somehow. I didn’t really care about the characters and didn’t like some of the resolutions in the ‘big fight’. Just wasn’t what I expected.

The Gingerbread Girl – Stephen King

I found a bunch of audiobooks from Stephen King and picked this short one to see if he was for me. Fall time is the time of year I want to be reading thrillers and creepy reads and what books are better for that than Stephen King books? I didn’t really like The Gingerbread Girl, it was so short that it kinda missed a point to the story. There just wasn’t too much to the story. I do still want to pick up another book and see if I’ll like that one better.

Two Dark Reigns – Kendare Blake

And obviously I read this wonderful YA fantasy. I was looking forward to this A LOT and it didn’t disappoint. For me a felt a bit like a build up towards a new story arc, compared to the story arc of the first two books. But that’s not a bad thing at all. We learned so much things in this book and I’m very sad I have to wait for another year haha.

We both read some amazing books! Have you read any of these? What did you think? Or tell us about your reading month. What book was your favorite in September?

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