Review| The Grudge Match – Kayla Tirrell

Today is the release of the next book in the Disatrous Date series, The Grudge Match. If you want to see my reviews for the other books, I have already posted them for The Date Maker and Meet Your Match.

If you want to see what the next disatrous date was, keep on reading!


Lacey wants to find love, so it should be a good thing she’s friends with the Date Maker, right?

But knowing the matchmaker isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. When Morgan mixes up all of her dates, she knowingly asks Lacey to go on a bad date just to help her save face.

Will Lacey find her happily ever with someone she was never supposed to be with? Or is she doomed to another missed connection?

The Grudge Match is the second book in the Disastrous Dates series.


You would think being best friends with the Date Maker would have its advantages. Guess again! Lacey goes on a date to help out Morgan who is getting a lot of criticism, because of all the mix ups. Lacey expects to go aon a fun date. Things seemed to go as planned, until her date turned out to be a jerk. I didn’t like Trevor from the start. Lacey is a caring person and in the end all she really wants is to find love.

The Grudge Match seems to take place at the same time as Harmony and Domincik’s date. Conrad is helping his roommate to cheer up after his disatrous date. He signed up for The Date Maker himself, but he’s not so sure he should’ve. When he sees LAcey’s date going wrong, he can’t help but step in and see if she’s okay.

Another disatrous date that proves that sometimes love can be found in mysterious places. I loved Conrad and Lacey and how they connected. The Grudge Match had fun and sweet moments. These stories always seem to leave a smile on my face.

It’s clear that Morgan has a big mess to clean up. And that Declan is an issue that isn’t going away! I can’t wait to read her story and see how The Date Maker plays out! I’m going to be sad when we don’t have any dates left to read about!

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