Review| The Date Maker: A Disatrous Dates Prequel – Kayla Tirrell

Kayla Tirrell is back with a new story The Date Maker: A Disatrous Dates Prequel. This is a novella and introduces us into the world of her new series and it’s out today! I have loved this author’s other work, so I was very excited to get a  copy to read. Thanks to Kayla, for this ARC!


Sick of swiping?

Tired of endless surveys?

Hoping to find that special someone?

Let the Date Maker help you find your soul mate!

Morgan Jones has always had a knack for setting people up. In a world of swiping pics on dating apps, she wants to give the dating scene a personal touch. Which is why she started The Date Maker, a dating service for local college students.

Morgan figures she can make a few extra bucks doing something she enjoys.

What’s the worst that could happen?


Once again, Kayla didn’t disappoint. The Date Maker is a short, cute and fun read. It left me wanting more.

We meet Morgan, who is looking for a way to earn some extra money while in college. Working in the coffee shop just isn’t cutting it. She’s always been good at matchmaking, so she decides to use that in her advantage. Morgan starts a dating service for her fellow college students.

Morgan is a relatable character. She works hard and is just finding a way for ends to meet. Morgan has always been good at setting up others, but not herself. I love how during some moments she’s pretty oblivious when a guy notices her. I have a feeling that will play a part later in this series.

Morgan meets some interesting characters along the way and I love her best friend. The last line in the sypnosis really says it all, what’s the worst that could happen? Read this novella to find out! It’s going to be a lot of fun reading how this all plays out!

I think it’s pretty amazing when an author can already make you love their characters with just a novella. My only complaint is once again, it’s too short! Luckily I know there will be more and I can’t wait to read about all of these dating adventures!

Keep an eye out on the blog, because when the next novella comes out there will also be an interview with Kayla!

3 thoughts on “Review| The Date Maker: A Disatrous Dates Prequel – Kayla Tirrell

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