Two weeks ago I posted the first part of the books I want to read before the end of the year. You can check that post out here. Today I am going to share the other nine books I want to read before the end of 2018. There are a lot more than 18, but these are the ones that keep haunting me, haha.
10. Leah on the Offbeat I was really hopeful that I would be able to read this one the month it came out, but it worked out different than planned. I loved Simon, so I have a feeling I will love this one. Becky Albertalli is an amazing writer and hasn’t disappointed me yet. A lot of people I know loved Leah, so I am pretty excited to read this.
11. Legendary If you’ve been following our blog, you know Caraval was kind of a disappointment for me. I think I went in expecting too much. Caraval was an enjoyable read, but it didn’t wow me. I liked it enough to buy Legendary (even though the special covers weren’t as pretty, haha). A lot of people have said Legendary was a lot better than Caraval, so I’m curious to find out if I think the same.
12. Strange the Dreamer I have been telling myself I can’t read this book until I read the last book of The Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy (which was listed in my post before this one). I have the blue stained pages and this book is gorgeous. Once again, a lot of people I know are a big fan of this book. Muse of Nightmares comes out soon, so I hope to read Stranger the Dreamer before then.
13. The Night Circus This book isn’t really recent. It came out in 2011. I didn’t know about it back then, but I have seen it a lot since I have been in this bookish community. The Night Circus is a book you love or hate I think. Even though I have heard a lot of amazing things about this book. The cover is also stunning, so I needed to have it. I believe Isabelle has it as well, so we will have to buddyread it!
14. A Gathering of Shadows This is another case of why haven’t I continued reading this series yet? I loved the first book and I guess I got distracted by all of the other books. A friend of mine just finished reading the last book and made me curious again. Maybe I can fit this in soon, haha.
15. A Discovery of Witches I have heard so many mixed things about these books. I out this higher on my list, because there is a TV show coming soon. Reading before watching is still something I love doing, so I may have to wait a bit before watching. I will have to see if I can get to it before the show is too far along. The sypnosis sounds good.
16. The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice & Virtue I got this book for Christmas, so compared to some books I haven’t had it that long, haha. The second book comes out in the next couple of months. So many people in the bookish community love this book and I hope my expectations aren’t too high.
17. Otherworld Another book that will be getting a sequel soon. Isabelle and I bought this book together, so we can do a buddyread. I think I need to tell her we need to read it soon, haha. I am really curious how this world is set up. A lot of people really enjoyed it.
18. The Defiant I kind of forgot about this book until the author recently released the cover of the third book. Oops! I loved The Valiant and the author is so sweet. The Defiant has been on my shelf since release day, so I think it also needs to get bumped up on my TBR!
So this is these are the other nine books I want to read before the end of the year! Do any of you make lists you want to check off before the end of the year?