TTT #38| Popular Books That Lived Up to the Hype

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since last January Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is popular books that lived up to the hype. What books were that for me?


1. Scythe This is a book that I have heard a lot about. When it first came out, I saw it all over the place. Scythe did interest me, but I was also curious. People don’t die anymore, only if a Scythe chooses you. It’s interesting to read how the world works and how people feel about this. There are also some down sides. Some scythes take things a bit far. I haven’t read Thunderhead yet, because I heard the ending leaves you hanging. So I will wait until the last one is released!

2. The Black Witch A lot has been said about The Black Witch in the book world.


Not all of these things are good either. From what I understand there was someone who said this book was racist and people decided not to pick it up because of that. I kind of missed all of this, but after reading I really don’t understand the drama. The main character grew up away from everything and only knew what she was told. The world does have different races and they’re not all treated nicely. The main character isn’t racist though. As the book goes on she realizes not everything she learned is the way it seems. I am so excited to get my hands on the next book!


3. The Wicked Deep Before this book was released I heard a lot of people talking about it. I wasn’t sure if The Wicked Deep would be a book for me, but it really was. I read the whole book in one day. Even though it takes place in the summer, there is a very creepy vibe to it. A perfect read for Halloween. The Wicked Deep kept me on the edge of my seat and I didn’t see a few of the twists coming at all.

4. This Savage Song This duology has been on my shelf since Our Dark Duet


was released. This Savage Song was a case of so many books, so little time, haha. A lot of my friends really loved this duology and I heard a lot of positive things online. A group read came along this year and I figured it was the best time to start. And I was so mad at myself for not reading them sooner. I couldn’t put these books down. August and Kate are amazing characters. I was actually sad when I finished Our Dark Duet.


5. Illuminae Before Illuminae I wasn’t really a fan of sci-fi. I only picked it up after a friend had bought it and showed me pictures. The format was nothing like I had seen before. I picked it up and read it in one sitting. I couldn’t put Illuminae down! After that I was waiting for the second and the the third book. If you want an unique way of storytelling, definitely pick this up! These authors are working together on a new series. I’m excited to read it!

6. Throne of Glass Even though I tried to put some new books in this list, I can’t


not mention Sarah J Maas. I am currently rereading this series with Isabelle and am learning why I love this series all over again. Reading the little details you miss the first time around is so much fun. I love how authors have things planned out. I am going to be sad that this is over in October!


7. The Raven Boys I know The Raven Boys is a series you either love or hate. A few people I know can’t get into these books and others can’t put them down! I love Blue and her boys. This series has an interesting take on a lot of things. I am still halfway through the last book. I guess I don’t want it to end.

8. Cinder The Lunar Chronicles is another popular series that I loved. I was


hesitant in the beginning, but these retellings are so well done. Marissa Meyer knows how to bring all the characters together in every book. I love the new take on different fairytales I know and love. Cress will always be my favorite. I love how quirky she is.


9.The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer This is another series I think that you love or hate. This trilogy was amazing and I couldn’t put these books down. Mara is a very interesting character and so are the group she hangs around with. I am really hoping that the Noah spinoff is just as good!

10. Reign of the Fallen I wasn’t sure about this book at first. It didn’t seem like a


book I would love, but boy was I wrong! I loved this story and the characters. Necromancers isn’t a subject I have read a lot about. This author knew how to make it very interesting. Her take on death and how the world thinks of it was very interesting. She also deals with grief and addiction.

I have read quite a few popular books and series. I tried choosing a few I haven’t talked about much before. It’s hard not to just stick to the ones you love, haha. What popular books do you think lived up to the hype?

23 thoughts on “TTT #38| Popular Books That Lived Up to the Hype

    1. I agree! I was surprised how well the author managed to do that! I loved her spin on the fairytales.

  1. Cinder was awesome! It’s still one of my favorite retellings ever. This Savage Song sounds great. I really need to read that one.

    1. I really recommend This Savage Song. It’s definitely a darker book, so perfect for Fall/Winter 😊

  2. I read the Raven Cycle books because of hype, and I definitely have no regrets. Stiefvater’s storytelling is a little odd, but so wonderful. And yeah, the Illuminae Files is one of my favorite series. I put off reading the ARC I have for over a year, and was kicking myself for doing so.

    1. Stiefvater’s writing os definitely unique. I can understand it’s not for everyone. I have that with a lot of books, that I wish I had read them sooner!

    1. Me too! I don’t want it to end. I can’t wait for The Ronan spinoff.

    1. I am excited to read it though. I am just going to wait a bit longer until the release of The Toll isn’t so far away, haha.

  3. Ahhh, I still need to read This Savage Song!

    And I totally agree about TOG! SJM is an amazing foreshadow-er! I’m excited for the release of Kingdom of Ash, but also really sad for the series to end!

    And I just requested Reign of the Fallen at my library! Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

    1. I hope you enjoy Reign of the Fallen! This Savage Song was a nice surprise. It’s going to be really sad seeing ToG end. We can always reread though.

    1. I really recommend Scythe. It was so different than I expected!😊

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