TTT #31 | Books That Awaken the Travel Bug In Me

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since last January Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is all about books that make you wanna travel or; Books That Awaken the Travel Bug In Me! I love traveling to all kinds of places but as I read mostly fantasy this was actually a pretty difficult topic for me. Let’s see what I made of it.

1. The Wrath and the Dawn duology – Renee Adieh

I absolutely adore this duology and whenever someone asks me what book makes me hungry I mention this one first. The delicious food descriptions in tWatD are part of the reason this duology makes me want to travel. I loved reading about a different culture and would be very interested to see all of this for myself. While this is a fantasy duology, the world has it’s base in our own and as I said, I would love to go there someday.

2. The Infernal Guard trilogy – S.G.D. Singh

Candyce and I read this trilogy at the end of 2017 and we really enjoyed it! This urban fantasy takes place all over the world but the first book is mostly set in India. And the whole mythology used is Indian as well. I’ve been to India once and I would love to go back. Especially after reading these books, I would really like to learn more about this country and it’s culture.

3. Outlander series – Diana Gabaldon

If I wasn’t interested in Scotland already, this book definitely would’ve made me fall in love with the country. After reading (and watching) Outlander all I want to do is book a ticket to Scotland and find my own sexy Scot! Scotland is probably in my top 3 countries to visit and I hope I get to do so soon. In the mean time I have a couple of more books in this series to keep my satisfied until the day comes.

4. Daughter of Smoke and Bone – Laini Taylor

I visited Prague once but reading Daughter of Smoke and Bone made me want to revisit the city as soon as possible. While I really enjoyed Prague, I think I would appreciate the city more the second time around. It wasn’t my choice to go there last time and that did take away some of my enjoyment. DoSaB showed me a beautiful city I would love to go to again.

5. Since You’ve Been Gone – Morgan Matson

Somehow this book really makes me want to go on a road trip. I guess it helps that it takes place during the summer. And there is a road trip at the end of the book. Our main character needs to be force out of her comfort zone and that is super relatable for me. Traveling kind of pushes you out of your comfort zone all the time and those two things are simple connected to this book for me.

6. The Call – Peadar Ó Guilín

Now this might be a bit of an odd choice. But The Call inspires me to book a ticket to Ireland asap. Ireland is another of my wishlist countries to visit. I really enjoyed reading about Ireland and some of the local myths. Obviously I wouldn’t want to live in the Ireland of the book but I would love to go there before all of the problems started.

7. History Is All You Left Me – Adam Silvera

I read this one on the plane to Los Angeles and San Fransisco and it was so much fun reading about a place I was on my way to. We had a stop in Santa Monica and I just had to visit the pier described in the book. HiAYLM will forever be connected to that trip for me. I would love to visit those places again.

8. Warcross – Marie Lu

Another book I really enjoyed! And when Emika flew to Tokyo I wished I was on the plane with her. Japan is another wishlist country and I loved reading about it in this book. I hope we get to see more of this beautiful country in the second book and I can’t wait to read it!

I only managed 8 books this time unfortunately. However this books all really make me want to travel. I love learning about other countries and cultures and hope I’ll get more opportunities to see the world. What are some of the books that awakened the travel bug in you? Let me know in the comments!

4 thoughts on “TTT #31 | Books That Awaken the Travel Bug In Me

  1. I love that you included Warcross in this. I almost did as well because the setting was really luscious, and somehow nostalgic and futuristic, and I definitely wanted to visit Tokyo as well–both in modern times and in a futuristic setting. Anyways, great selection of books! I hadn’t heard about The Infernal Guard before this post but I have to admit, now I’m very curious to dive into it. Thanks for sharing!
    Jessica recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday (#12): Books That Awaken the Travel Bug In MeMy Profile

    1. I binge read the Infernal Guard trilogy last year after coming in contact with the author and I really enjoyed it! Happy you’re interested in it now 😀 Love to help people discover hidden gems.

    1. Thank you! Happy you agree on Since You’ve Been Gone 😀 Hope you’ll get to Warcoss soon, although you might want to wait until the sequel is released haha.

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