Monthly Monday Bookshelfie| Perfect Beach Book

A friend of ours, Kwante, from Kwante in Wonderland created the Monthly Monday Book Shelfie. Every month there is a new topic. Continue reading to find out what the Monthly Monday Book Shelfie is and what to do if you want to participate! This month’s theme is the perfect beach book.

What book is perfect for a day at the beach? After you think of the book you want to use, you do the following:

  • You take a book shelfie – the book you chose in front of the other books on your shelf.

After that you answer the following questions:

  • Where did you get the book?
  • Have you read the book yet?
  • What did you think of the book? If you haven’t read the book yet, what do you expect?



Where did you get the book? I bought it online here in The Netherlands. It sounded really good. I saw I See London, I See France on a list of anticipated reads for the month it came out.

Have you read the book yet? No, I haven’t had the chance to read this book yet. At the end of this week I’m going away for a week and we are near a little beach. I think this is the perfect moment to read this book. As long as I don’t forget to pack it before we go. If I do remember to bring it with me you will see my review soon.

What do you expect? I expect some interesting events while they travel, a bit of drama and romance, and of course a happily ever after.


My beach reads might be a bit different than what you might expect haha. But I really enjoy reading thrillers, mysteries or other suspenseful books at the beach. And the one I choose today is actually one that takes place during a springbreak vacation so that’s pretty beach worthy right?

Where did you get the book? I already wrote a  #howimetmybook about this one, but I got it at Waterstones back when I was studying and living in London. They have ‘Buy 2, Get 1 half price’ tables all over the store and I can never resist a deal like that. I feel so Dutch when saying stuff like that haha.

Have you read the book yet? I did! And I absolutely loved it. It’s my favorite YA thriller up to date.

What did you think of it? This was one of my first YA thrillers and it was amazing. I did not know how it was going to end for the longest time. It was such an amazing read and I enjoyed it immensely. Immediately after reading this one I had to get the author’s other book; Dangerous Boys. Another good YA thriller but not as good as Dangerous Girls. I keep on hoping for another book in this genre by this author, but so far there’s no news on that. So if you know any good YA thrillers, please let me know!

These are our perfect beach books! What book needs to be with you when you go to the beach? We always love hearing about other books.

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