Tag| The Greatest Showman Book Tag

If you’ve been following our blog you’ll know I am a big fan of The Greatest Showman, haha. I even reviewed the movie here on the blog. So when I saw this book tag on Silver Wolf Read’s blog, I knew I needed to do it. So let’s start this tag!

The Greatest Show: The Greatest Book You Ever Read.


This is a no brainer, even though I love so many books. Harry Potter is and always will be my all time favorite and I will consider it the greatest books I’ve ever read. The setting, characters and storyline still amaze me every time I read them. Even writing this makes me want to read them again, haha.

A Million Dreams – A Book That Left You Dreaming


I recently read The Promised One and it definitely left me dreaming. I loved this world and characters and just the fact that the main character couldn’t remember the love of his life, but his heart did was so touching. I am doing my best to patiently wait for the next book, haha. If you want to know more about this book, you can read my review here.

Come Alive – A Book Where A Character Finally Accepts Themselves


Izzy goes through a lot in this book. Having naked pictures of yourself posted online and when everyone blames you for this, it’s kind of hard not to doubt yourself. Izzy is looked down upon, while the guys involved are still seen as great guys. This is something so wrong with this world. It takes quite a bit of time and some support from the important people in her life, but Izzy finally comes to terms with herself and realizes nothing is wrong with her, but with the way society treats girls. I really think this is such an important book for girls these days. Maybe even for the boys. You can read our buddy review here.

The Other Side: A Character Who Changed Your Opinion About Them


I have to say the first few chapters in I really didn’t like Kate. She seemed annoying and it felt like she didn’t care about anyone else but herself. Not much later, after reading more of her backstory, she became more human to me. In the end she was a lonely teenage girl seeking love from her father who wasn’t giving it to her. Everything she did was just a cry for attention and hope that her father would finally notice her. I can’t dislike that.

Rewrite The Stars: A Bookish OTP That Overcame A Lot To Be Together


This may be an obvious choice and one used a lot these days, but it’s true Rhysand and Feyre had to go through a lot to be together. It wasn’t that they could just fall in love and live happily ever after. No, they had a lot of battles to fight and overcome before they even had a tiny chance at being happy. I can’t wait for the novella we’re getting in May to see how they have picked up the pieces.

Tightrope: A Book/Series That Gave You Serious Trust Issues


When I read this trilogy I just started getting back in to reading again. I actually loved these books, but now that I have thought of how this book ended and discussed it with other readers, I feel betrayed, haha. If you add the movies that were made even more so. They didn’t keep close to the books at all!

From Now On: A Book You’ve Ignored For Too Long & Must Read


It’s sad, but half of my bookcase could be used to answer this question, haha. Lord of Shadows is a book I’ve been thinking about more often lately though. I read the first short story in the Shadowhunter world and now I want to read this even more. I have heard it’s pretty intense and the third book won’t be out until December, so I think I may wait just a little bit longer!

So that’s it for this tag! I tag everybody who is a fan of The Greatest Showman. What was a book that left you dreaming?

afsluiting candy

7 thoughts on “Tag| The Greatest Showman Book Tag

  1. Ahhhhh I LOVE The Greatest Showman!!! I will definitely have to complete this tag ASAP 😀 <3

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