Wishlist Wednesday| Sci-fi Books

This week we finally were able to celebrate the release of Obsidio! This is a highly anticipated read for both of us, so we decided to continue with that in our theme for Wishlist Wednesday today! Here are some sci-fi books we have on our wishlists!


The Darkest Minds – Alexandra Bracken

This is a trilogy I’ve seen all over the place and have been very curious about. I just haven’t picked it up. The first book is becoming a movie, so maybe I need to pick it up soon. I like reading the books before I see a movie. Isabelle already read these and really loves them!

The Adoration of Jenna Fox – Mary E. Pearson

I already read The Remnant Chronicles by this author and enjoyed them. This seems like it will be a lot different than what I have read. I love books that are set in the near future and to figure out what really happened to a character.

The Knife of Never Letting Go – Patrick Ness

I have seen so many books by this author and they do sound really interesting. I honestly don’t know why I haven’t picked one up yet. The idea of being able to hear everybody’s thoughts has to be so weird. I would love to see how this is put into a book.

Scythe – Neal Shusterman

This is definitely a book that caught my eye before. I have heard mixed reviews though. Maybe that’s why I haven’t gotten around to adding it on my shelves. The second book came out recently and I have heard more positive things. So, I think I should be adding this one on the list.

Across the Universe – Beth Ravis

This would almost definitely be a cover buy if I saw it in the store, haha. The cover is gorgeous. Awakening on a spaceship before it’s planned has to be pretty confusing. This is a plot I have heard about a few times, so I wonder how this book will do with this concept.

Starflight – Melissa Landers

Definitely another book that would be a cover buy. I have seen these covers quite a few times on bookstagram. I own her Alienated trilogy, but haven’t read it yet. This sounds really interesting. This sounds like a book that will have me on the edge of my seat!


Ender’s Game – Orson Scott Card

This is quite the classic! I have seen the movie as I just couldn’t wait any longer haha. But I would still like the read the book and I think there are a lot of books in this series/universe so I’ve got a couple to get to 😉

Passenger – Alexandra Bracken

Another Alexandra Bracken book on the list! The covers on this duology are stunning but I’ve read some mixed reviews. I’m still excited to pick them up though. I love time travel and I need more book about it!

The Martian – Andy Weir

This is supposed to be a really funny book and I’ve been putting off watching the movie as I really plan on reading the book first. I’ve been wanting to read this one for almost 3 years now haha, sounds like it’s time to finally get it right?

Red Rising – Pierce Brown

This one has been on my radar for quite a while now! Another ‘Mars’ novel haha. I’ve heard a ton of goods things about it and apparently there are going to be 6 books in this series!!

Empress of a Thousand Skies – Rhoda Belleza

This is another one with a stunning cover and mixed reviews haha. Can’t wait to find out for myself if the inside is as beautiful as the outside. And the sequel just released!

Defy the Stars – Claudia Gray

Why are there so. many stunning covers out there? It makes me wanna buy ALL THE BOOKS! I haven’t seen to many reviews for this one and only 2 people I know read it. One gave it 5 stars, the other 2 stars haha. So that’s pretty interesting 😉

These are a few sci-fi books that we eventually want to read! What are your favorite sci-fi reads?

afsluiting samen

3 thoughts on “Wishlist Wednesday| Sci-fi Books

  1. I really like the idea of wishlist Wednesday and definitely love a sci-fi themed celebration for Obsidio. I’m so excited to read it!

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