Fangirl Friday | Imagine Dragons live in Amsterdam

Last Monday I went to Amsterdam to see Imagine Dragons <333 I saw them live last June and while I already loved them up until that moment I didn’t know they were THAT great live. After seeing them I knew I had to see them again so I was incredibly happy when they announced their tour. I was one of the lucky ones to be able to buy tickets and Monday it was finally time to see them again.

We got there after hitting a lot of traffic so the venue was already open by that time. We still managed to find pretty good spots and during the concert we got even closer. The opening act was K-Flay, I quite enjoyed her. She has a great voice by some of her music is just a bit too much for me haha. Did really like a couple of the songs though!

And then the moment was finally there, Imagine Dragons started! They made it a real show and didn’t just walked on to the stage. From the start and in between ‘acts’ we got video and it all went so well together. After the first song Dan gave a speech, it was quite beautiful and shows what amazing people they are.

I absolutely love all of the songs Imagine Dragons write and their live performance is so amazing! They are incredibly talented and they have so much fun on that stage. It was so great seeing them on there, singing, making music and dancing. I would pay good money to see them again and again. We got a couple of canons with paper confetti that looked quite cool and it was clear how much Dan enjoyed those haha.

We didn’t only get the paper confetti, during On Top Of The World we also got these huge with balloons dropping from the ceiling. So much fun!

They also did a couple of acoustic songs, one of them was ‘Amsterdam’, it was so incredible. I can’t tell you enough how amazing they are. Before performing ‘Demons’ Dan talked about his depression and hopefully inspired some people to seek help themselves. I already loved ‘Demons’ but after hearing that speech it was just so much more than just a beautiful song.

I can honestly say this was the best concert I’ve ever been to and I had an incredible night. My friends really enjoyed it as well and one of them was already looking at another concert for us to go to haha. I’ve got quite a couple lined up already starting with Harry Styles and The Script in March. Do you enjoy going to concerts? Who would you like to see live? Let me know in the comments!

8 thoughts on “Fangirl Friday | Imagine Dragons live in Amsterdam

  1. I want to see Imagine Dragons so so badly! Whenever I’ve been close, something gets in the way *grumbles* But I can only imagine (lol) how amazing they are live. I hope they come to Denmark soon otherwise I WILL have to travel to see them.
    But also I would love to experience Coldplay.
    And McFly is a favourite of mine, so hopefully they’ll get back to making music and going on tour in the near future 🙂

    1. Oh no that’s so annoying! But yes they are so so good ♥️🐉 I hope you get your chance soon!
      Coldplay would be pretty cool too! I’m so sad I couldn’t get ticked to any Adele show

  2. I went to see them in the fall and totally loved it too. They put on a fantastic show! I was a little iffy on K-Flay as well. She’s not really my cup of tea, but it’s always nice to check out someone new! =D

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