Bookish Item|Bookshelf Makeover Part Two

In December we decided we really needed to reorganize our bookshelves. They were a mess and not how we wanted them to be. It took a bit longer than planned, but we have both finally finished reorganzing our bookcases. If you want to see the before pictures click here.


It was quite the task to reorganize the bookshelves. Isabelle came over on New Year’s Eve and that’s when we worked on my bookshelves. To make sure we actually got to doing this, I emptied my bookcases before she came over. It was a mess, haha. I didn’t have the option to say I didn’t feel like it anymore, because our table to eat at and our bed was completely covered in books.

As you can see, if I wanted to sleep or sit and eat, something needed to happen, haha. The only problem with this is though, where do you start? Haha. Seeing how I have three different bookcases in three different places, didn’t help much either. We eventually got it done and I am really pleased with how they turned out. My boyfriend was really sweet and made it possible for me to have an extra shelf on one of the bookcases. The sad thing is, I still don’t have enough room, haha. Some books had to be put to the side because they didn’t fit and the books I got in January almost all are still shelfless. There are plans to eventually hang some shelves up in our bedroom, but that’s something for a future post. Now it’s time to show you how everything looks now. I should say that the bookish goodies on my shelves aren’t all where they should be yet, haha. I haven’t taken any time to fix that yet.

The bookcase in the livingroom

I love how the books aren’t all straight, but some are put in a different way. It gives it more of a fun look.

The bookcase in the bedroom

I think I am the happiest with the shelves in the bedroom. I made sure to put some of my favorites here, as well as pretty colors. I love walking into my bedroom and seeing these!

The bookcase in the hallway

Unfortunately this bookcase is the one I look at the most. It’s in the hallway and kind of hidden. Most of the books on here, I either haven’t read yet or they weren’t favorites. Not that they’re bad, just not ones that I think should get the best place on the bookcases.


It took us a bit longer to get to my bookcase, which is why we didn’t write this article until now. At the start of January I had surgery so I wasn’t able to go and completely turn around my books haha. It was quite the work! I filled a big shopper bag with books I didn’t want anymore but it all still barely fit. I am quite happy with how it all turned out but as with Candyce I didn’t add all my goodies and candles yet. There is quite a lot of them haha. Let’s take a look at those cases!

Small bookcase + regular one next to it

First up is the small bookcase, you might remember that one being a complete mess (including a box of Mac and Cheese). It now houses most of my thrillers, some Dutch books, some contemporary adult books and some really old books. It’s my least favorite one still but definitely looks better than it did before

Than comes the regular one that’s right next to it. This one looks quite different from before! The top houses my Dutch YA’s and NA’s. I think does two shelves look pretty good, especially the second. Than comes a shelf with some Vinyls, earrings, nailpolish and my small collection of manga and comics. I’m looking to get more of both this year, I mostly started collected them last year and enjoyed reading them a lot! Next is a shelf with my Karin Slaughter collection and some English paperback thrillers. Lastly a shelf with my horse book collection and a shelf with DVD’s.

Two big ‘main’ bookcases

Some of the shelves in these bookcases haven’t changed as I was quite happy with them. I still have my Harry Potter shelf, Sarah J. Maas shelf, a MG shelf and one with my old and most precious children books. The left bookcase has also a shelf filled with American paperbacks, a shelf with mass paperbacks and some non fiction books, and one with my Outlander series and my Shadowhunter books. Oh! And one filled with my study books.

The case on the right has two shelves with UK paperbacks on the top. One with mostly fantasy and sci-fi series. And one with all my other UK paperbacks and is kinda rainbow style, I love looking at it! I have 4 books with sprayed edges and decided to put them in backwards. Then I have 3 shelves with hardcover <3 I love the look of all those pretty hardcovers especially as they’re separated by height. Than lastly there are some Dutch adult books, Dutch fantasy books and a couple of mismatched paperbacks that didn’t have another spot.

All in all I’m very happy with the current look. I have some spots for hardcovers, manga’s and comics but paperbacks will be a problem 😉 I’m expecting some books in a swap next week and for my birthday so that’s going to be interesting haha.

So this was the makeover! As we buy more books, I’m sure they will eventually be updated again! How do you organize your bookshelves?

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0 thoughts on “Bookish Item|Bookshelf Makeover Part Two

  1. While looking through the pictures I couldn’t help noticing how many great titles you both had! I wish I had the time to organise my bookshelves :).

  2. I really like the idea of having some standing up and others lying down. It looks SO NICE and breaks up the monotony of just having books looking all the same. I might think about doing that when we move!

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