I love romance books and especially so when the characters start out as best friends. The author’s not made me even more interested in One Night to Fall, seeing how she was never planning on writing this story. The characters just wouldn’t leave her alone. Was reading One Night to Fall worth it?
I LOVE this cover! This would be a sky I would want to stare at while lying somewhere. Or even sit by a fire. This cover really fits this book, in my opinion anyways!
This was a fast and easy read. I had my doubts in the beginning. Seeing how the story is set in a span of a day or so. Books have to be pretty good to pull that off. But this author knew what she was doing. I loved her note in the beginning that she wasn’t planning on even writing this book, but that the characters wouldn’t leave her alone.
We meet Patrick in the beginning, who doesn’t seem very happy in his marriage, but loves his little girl. He seems like a decent guy and he is a cop. When he runs off to the hospital when someone close to him has a heart attack, he is confronted with a part of his past and a girl that got away.
Kinsey left after the love of her life broke her heart and she hasn’t looked back since. She only comes home when her father won’t be able to continue to with the family business. Then we learn that Patrick and Kinsey have known each other almost their whole lives. His family moved from Ireland and they bought a house next door. They were inseparable and eventually fell in love. College got in the way of that along with other mistakes. Now, Patrick wants one night to prove there is still something there. Will Kinsey admit her feelings have never left and let him in?
This story was really interesting because of the flashbacks to when they were younger. Everything they went through together and when their first kiss, first date, etc. happened. This made up for the story only taking place in a span of a day. This really helped me connect to the characters and understand them. Their memories brought a smile to my face at times and sometimes it broke my heart. I had never read anything by this author before, but I definitely want to read more. The only thing that would have made this book even better was if we had Patrick’s point of view a few more times.
Kinsey really loved Patrick, but after how everything went down she’s not sure if she can trust him. She hasn’t seem in years and only because her father became ill they saw each other again. Even though we find out it was mostly her decision, she hasn’t really had any other serious relationships since Patrick. And she can’t deny the feelings that are still there. She is strong, but also needs some love. Patrick tells her some things that make her realize she didn’t have all the puzzle pieces at the time. Some decisions were a bit extreme.
“Patrick Kinney might not have been a god, but I had worshipped him and his memory for most of my life.”
Patrick has never stopped loving Kinsey or thinking about her. Even though he’s been married for the past ten years. He isn’t in love with his wife (they don’t even sleep in the same room), but he’s still there for his daughter. He’s a great father and is there whenever he can be. Patrick is hopelessy romantic. When Kinsley returns he is determined to win her back. We learn that he sacrificed a lot for his daughter and seems like a great man. I think that if Kinsley didn’t want him, many other women would’ve grabbed their chance, haha.
“I didn’t realize until later on, but I loved that you just loved me. You never tried to change me, you just… wanted me, even when I was being an arse.”
This was an amazing book and if you love a story where two people find eachother again, this one is for you! I will definitely be checking out the next book when it comes out.
4 thoughts on “Review| One Night to Fall – Kelsey Kingsley”