Bookish Item| Reading Challenges 2018

To make our reading goals more fun we have decided to make a game out of some of our goals. We are going to create a jar with goodies and when we complete a challenge we earn something, or if one of us fails to complete a challenge the other person gets a goodie. For now we will only be talking about our yearly challenges. We plan on making smaller ones as well throughout the year, but you will see those in other posts.


As you saw yesterday we posted about our reading goals. There are two that I want to use for our challenges.

Reducing my physical TBR. I definitely want to make sure that I stick to reading at least 50 physical books on my shelves that were on there before January 1st. So making it a challenge will motivate me a bit more.

Finishing series I’ve started. Finishing at least one a month. This would also be a good challenge for our little check ins. If I don’t finish one in a month that could give Isabelle a goodie, haha.


And these are the two I picked!

Reducing my physical TBR. I picked the same challenge as Candyce for the first one. This is going to be super challenging but I will also read 50 physical books that were on my shelves before January 1st. I’m going to try my hardest to reach this goal!

Reading subscription box books. I want to read at least 1 book that I got in a subscription box per month. I’m really interested in most of them so I’m making it a must to read at least 1 per month. I guess this will be a nice match for Candyce’s unfinished series 😉

Goodies that will go in the jar

We haven’t actually arranged this jar yet, but you can think of stuff like bookmarks, stickers, candles. We will post an article about our progress and the jar when one has been set up.

These are our year long challenges! If you have any ideas for smaller ones we would love to hear from you. We are always open to new ideas.

afsluiting samen

0 thoughts on “Bookish Item| Reading Challenges 2018

    1. We know how you feel! It’s so sad isn’t it? We met around a year and a half ago on the internet and were so happy to realize we actually live quite close by!

  1. This is a wonderful idea! For me I usually stick to the Goodreads challenge bc going past the goal is so exciting. Im excited for my reading goal for next year

    1. I love going past that goal as well. I excited to try out the challenges as well. We talked about the rest of our reading goals in yesterday’s post 😊

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