Unboxing | Celebrate Books – Arabian Nights

As two girls who love books, a book box with goodies is something that makes us happy, haha. Here in The Netherlands we have book boxes from Celebrate Books. Every once in awhile they have an English box (most of there boxes have Dutch books). November’s theme was Arabian nights and we both bought the box. If you want to see what we got keep looking. I think everyone here should have there box by now, if not, there are spoilers if you continue reading.

Every box contains a card that tells you about everything you will find in the box. It’s a beautiful card, but we don’t read it until we have seen everything in the box. We don’t like spoilers, haha.


Candyce: I still have to read The Wrath and the Dawn, so I’m not exactly sure what to think of the bookmark other than it’s pretty, haha. It’s nice to already have a bookish item from it though. My bookbuddies have only told me good things about this book, so it’s definitely high on my never ending TBR.

I love Aladdin, so I was very happy with this bookmark. It’s so pretty!! I need to give this one a special spot on my bookshelf.

Isabelle: I really, really loved the Wrath and the Dawn duology, so I’m extremely happy I finally own some merch now. I also like the style of the bookmark so it has a spot on my shelves rigth in front of the books.

I love everything Disney so a bookmark with a Disney princess is ALWAYS a good idea. I like Aladdin and Jasmine, so I’m a happy booknerd right now. I also like that these two bookmarks fit the theme really well.

Candyce: The next items were a sticker and a little soap. The sticker is from A Darker Shade of Magic. I have only read the first book, but I am very happy with this sticker. Yet again another set of books I need to continue reading, haha.

The little soap smells pretty good. It’s for the character in the book inside this box. I’m not really a fan of soaps, but it is cute.

Isabelle: That sticker made me so, so happy! I adore stickers, I’ll probably stick it in my Bujo somewhere. And I love V.E. Schwabs books, especially the Darker Shades of Magic trilogy. So a quote from those books is always a good idea, and this happens to be one of my favourite quotes! I actually already own a bookmark with this quote on it, so this sticker is perfect for me.

The soap smells really, really good! But it’s also TINY haha. It’s a decorative piece of soap, so you can’t actually use it. It looks quite nice, it has golden, brown, and bronze elements in it. And I like that it’s the main character in the featured book.

Candyce: In every box there’s also a quote card with a quote from the book. This one is a bit bigger than other cards I have gotten in these boxes. While I like that it’s big, the smaller ones fit in the bookcase a bit easier.

Isabelle: I really like this quote card, the design is nice and fits the book and other goodies like the soap. The quote does make me thing that the book might be heavier on the romance than I was expecting. While the size makes it look nice and impressive, I don’t think it’s that practical and I would like it if they go back to the regular sized ones.

Candyce: As a little extra gift we got this note pad. I already have one, so I get to add this cute thing to my collection again. Maybe I will actually use one now, haha. And we got chocolate coins. Chocolate is never bad!

Isabelle: Same as Candyce, I already owned this notepad, but now I might actually use this one. I (obviously, haha) don’t use the one I already have, that’s sitting on my bookshelves, looking pretty. And yes to chocolate, I like it when there’s a little snack included in these boxes.

Candyce: You can never go wrong by me with bookish candles, haha. I was really happy with this. It smells good and I like how it looks. This candle already has a spot on my shelf.

Isabelle: Next to stickers, candles are my favourite type of bookish merch, as you might have seen in one of my 2 candle collections posts (here and here). I really like the smell and the look of this one. I actually already burned it for a little while and it smelled quite nice while burning. Whenever I open a book subscription box and see a candle inside I’m super happy and that box can not go wrong for me.

Candyce: I honestly had no clue what book would be in this box, so I was very surprised, haha. I love the cover of this book and it does sound interesting. I haven’t read Furthermore yet, but it has been on my wishlist. I don’t know if I will wait to read it until after I get Furthermore or just go ahead and start. It’s technically a series, but the book is a standalone.

Isabelle: I was also pretty surprised by this book! When I first started looking for a potential book I did come across this one, but since it was technically a sequel I didn’t think they would include it. But you can read it without reading Furthermore so they did include it haha. I’m really happy with this beautiful hardcover, and now is the perfect time to also get my hands on Furthermore so I can read that before starting Whichwood.

Candyce: All in all, I’m pretty happy with this box. I don’t know when I will actually get to reading this book, haha. It’s here when I want to though. Once again I will be keeping an eye out for the next English box.

Isabelle: I am once again really happy with the box, just include a sticker and a candle and I’m garanteed happy haha. I love the quality of the products and everything looks really nice. I like that everything fit the theme nicely and I can’t wait to read the book!

What do you guys think of the box? Have any of you read Whichwood yet?

afsluiting samen

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