Unboxing | November Fairyloot

It’s a bit late over here but my Fairyloot Unboxing video got finally uploaded and I really wanted to share it with you guys!

I started a new Youtube channel to go along with the blog. It would be amazing if you all subscribed to the channel. I’m hoping to put up videos regularly. So like I said, I’ve got an unboxing for you today, Novembers Fairyloot. Enjoy watching!


I hope you all liked it, I’m super happy with the box and am already looking forward to next months box haha.

afsluiting isa

0 thoughts on “Unboxing | November Fairyloot

  1. “So, the card is on the ground”… that deadpanned sentence you spoke there had me cracking up hahahaa – aand again: I’m laughing with you, not At you okay? lol. Love you <3

  2. You did great!!!! Loved it so much it was soooo cute😆😆 how much is a fairy loot box? I got a pageHabit one and I’m hoping to get a fairy loot and owlcrate one as well. I want to see the difference

    1. Haha thank you! The boxes are 26 pounds excluding shipping costs. I think that for me they end up being around 47 euros. And that’s totally worth it! I got a couple of owlcrates, really liked them but shipping costs are just insane

        1. I’m pretty sure they do US shipping but I’m not sure how much it would be. Owlcrate US shipping is pretty doable I believe 🙂 there are just so many great subscription boxes

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