Event Impressions | Harry Potter Afternoon

Little over a week ago, the Intratuin (a kind of gardensupplies store) in my village hosted a Harry Potter event. I wasn’t able to go to the whole thing because I had a babyshower that afternoon, but after that my mom and I quickly went there to take a peak. I was still able to get some fun pics and get to do the most exciting thing of the whole event. Curious what that was? Keep on reading!

Right when you walked in the whole entrance was beautifully decorated in Harry Potter themed Christmas decorations. I absolutely loved what they did, it was stunning to look at and made my fangirl-heart super happy.

There were also three actors as HP characters, that you could take pictures with, which I obviously had to do! When ‘Dumbledore’ saw I was taking a picture with the Ravenclaw flag, he took his chances and got in the picture with me. He was also sitting down on a little bench next to my mom, which was quite funny since she didn’t have a clue at first about who he was supposed to be.

And than onto the main event, they had owls you could take pictures with. It was amazing to do and since we were quite late we got to talk to the owners for a while. We learned a lot about owls that day! It was amazing to see the passion they had for the animals and the connection that they shared. We even got to hold one owl, and pet him a little bit.

So all in all a great little event! I very much enjoyed myself, even though I only got to go for a little while haha. I hope you all enjoyed the pictures!

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