Wishlist Wednesday | Spooky Reads

Twice a month we share some books on our wishlists with you guys. Today we wanted to show some of the spooky books that we have on our lists. Fall is the perfect time for these kind of books, especially with Halloween right around the corner! Lets take a look at which spooky books are on our wishlists. Just like in our last wishlist Wednesday, if you click on the title of the book the Goodreads page will open for you!


As I Descended – Robin Talley

I have heard of this book before and seen it all over bookgroups (it came out last year), but to be honest I never completely expected it to fall under a spooky read. Until I looked closely and read what this book is about. Fatalaties and rumored dark powers sound really promising.

Dreamfall – Amy Plum

Not being able to sleep seems like a nightmare to me, but I can’t imagine being in an experiment gone wrong and being trapped in my own nightmares. Waking up in the middle of the night after a scary dream is not a pleasant feeling, so I don’t want to know what it’s like to be stuck in it and not know how to get out. This book came out in May, so is still very new.

House of Furies – Madeleine Roux

This is a book that I have seen all over the place, but I never took the time to see what it was about. Not until I was thinking of books to put in this article. Just the fact that it takes place at a boarding house makes it creepy to me. Stories about those places normally never end well, haha. I think the fact that this book has illustrations, that it will make the reading experience just a little creepy. This book came out in May, so no wait before reading if you add it to your list.


Mary: The Summoning – Hillary Monahan

This is a book I have heard people talk about a few times. The cover looks scary enough, so I know that won’t be an issue, haha. I am sure most of you have heard of “Bloody Mary”, so you know it is creepy. At least I know when I was younger I didn’t want to look in the mirror or go to the bathroom alone at night after I heard of this superstition. This book came out in 2014, so it can be ordered on time for a Halloween read.

The Women in the Walls – Amy Lukavics

I had never heard of this book before. Not until I read an article about YA horror reads. This one caught my attention. This book came out last year, so it is still pretty new. Taking place in a Victorian mansion in the middle of the woods, it has the perfect setting for a spooky book. For some reason scary things always seem to happen in old mansions and deep in the woods, haha. There is a disappearance and when a character starts to hear voices, I think this will be a book I don’t read alone in the evening.

Anna Dressed in Blood – Kendare Blake

This book has been on my wishlist for ages and I really need to buy it. I will be getting this one next year to read for Halloween, that is for sure. At the moment I already have too many books that need to be read this month, haha. Ghosts and murders sound pretty spooky and seeing how the description states that Anna kills anyone who enters the old Victorian house she calls home, I know it will be good for this time of year. This book came out in 2011, so is definitely already available.


Shallow Graves – Kali Wallace

This standalone novel sounds pretty creepy and I like what I see in the reviews. It’s about zombies but I don’t think it’s zombies like we usually see them. I really enjoy tv shows or books with zombies in them so I’m definitely interested in this one. I do think there’s a lot going on in this book so I hope it can give all the answers I’ll probably crave when reading it. It’s a standalone with 360 pages so I’m excited to see what it can bring.

The Third Twin – CJ Omololu

This book goes right to the top of my wishlist! The premise sounds amazing and so suspenseful. It’s about identical twins that made up a third twin since they were young. Whenever they did something bad they would blame it on the third twin. Now people are getting killed and the question is, did one of the twins do it, or does the third twin actually exist? I absolutely love these kind of creepy mysteries and can’t wait to get my hands on this one.

S.T.A.G.S. – M.A. Bennet

Now this one may not be very spooky but it does sound creepy and suspenseful. It’s got a boardingschool, rich kids, misfits, hunting, a camping trip, and murder. Great ingredients for a thriller in my opinion. The cover looks intriguing and I just really want to read this book haha.


Bad Girls Don’t Die – Katie Alender

This book has been on my TBR shelf on Goodreads forever I think, but I’m still interested in getting it. The premise sounds really creepy and spooky and I have a feeling this is a book I don’t want to read right before I go to sleep. I also like that this is a trilogy so the story continues after this first one. And I really like the titles! Books 2 is From Bad To Cursed and book 3 is called As Dead As It Gets, sounds great right? There are a lot of mixed reviews on Goodreads so I guess I’ll just have to check it on for myself right.

The Girl From The Well – Rin Chupeco

A 300-year old ghost that hunts murderers? Sign me up! I love that we get the POV of the ghost in this one, that’s not something you see a lot and I always enjoy unique books. This book has been out for a couple of year but I haven’t heard a lot about it. I found some reviews from bloggers I follow and they either really enjoyed it or hated it haha. So this is another one where I’ll just have to take a chance and see where I land on that hate-love spectrum.

The Call – Peadar Ó Guilín

I heard quite some people talking about this book last year when it came out. It sounds super scary and I love the cover. Two friends of mine have read it and enjoyed it so that’s promising. I saw quite some reviews from people I follow and they all ranged from 3 to 5 stars which is pretty positive I would say. Overall they all enjoyed it so I’m sure I will too! The sequel is expected to come out next year and I would like to read this one before then.

Have you read any of these books? What did you think of them? And do you have any recommendations for spooky reads? Let us know down below!

afsluiting samen






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