Fangirl Friday | New TV shows

Both Candyce and I are big tv show lovers, it’s actually one of the things we bonded over when we met! I don’t think I know anyone else that watches the amount of tv shows we do haha! The fall season always means new tv shows, and I just can’t help myself and try to watch as many as I can. I found a couple that looked interesting enough and watch the firstΒ  or the first two episodes. In this article you can find the trailer and my thoughts on the episodes! Hope you enjoy πŸ˜€

Seal Team

This one didn’t really blow me away to be honest. This might also be one of the first ones I drop if it doesn’t get more interesting when at some point I won’t be able to keep up with all my shows. Seal Team is about, wait for it… a seal team πŸ˜‰ And I do like those kinds of shows but in this first episode it didn’t really convince me it being anything other than all those shows we already got. I’ll give it two more episodes to convince me.


Now this one had me interested right away, the trailer gave me Blindspot vibes! I absolutely love Blindspot so that’s a good thing. Absentia is about a FBI agent who’s presumed dead for 6 years I think it was, her murderer is behind bars, her husband has a new wife and that new wife is basically the only mother her son ever knew. And then she’s found, alive, with hardly any memories. The premise is great, I enjoyed the first three episodes. There’s this mystery that needs to be solved and I really like that type of show. It’s not the best thing ever but for now I’ll definitely keep watching.

The Brave

Now that’s how you do a first episode! The trailer unfortunately gives away the twist in the first episode but I still really enjoyed it and the ending had me craving for more. I already watch the second episode it was pretty solid. I like characters, I like the storyline, I will for sure watch this show every week. It’s about a special ops team and that’s all you really need to know, well and also that I really liked it. So you should just watch it πŸ˜‰

The Good Doctor

I love hospital shows, Grey’s Anatomy is one of my favorite shows and I’ve been watching it from the start. I saw the first two episodes of The Good Doctor,Β  a show about a surgical resident with autism. I think the lead actor is doing a great job of portraying someone with autism and savant skills and really hope this show won’t get cancelled. This show has great potential and I hope they’ll keep it up!

The Gifted

Another thing I really like is superheroes! This show, that’s based on the comics, is about mutants who are hunted and don’t really have rights anymore. It was a great first episode, I liked the special effects and the storyline. I saw tons of positive reviews for this one and I’m pretty sure it will stay on for quite a while. If you love these kinds of shows you NEED to see this one, although you probably already watched it πŸ˜‰ If not, finish this article and go watch it!

Ten Days in the Valley

Another mystery! A kid was taken from her house, her mom is a writer on a cop show with all kinds of secrets and it was good. I enjoyed it and will keep watching it for now. Hope it can keep me interested for a while, because I really want to know what happened to the kid and why πŸ˜‰ I guess thats how they hook you haha.


Marvel’s Inhumans

You probably heard something about this one already, there are tons of negative reviews out online. I watched the first two episodes. I haven’t read the comics this show was based on so I won’t be able the make a comparison. I did watch Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (although I’m no where near caught up), where the Inhumans were introduced. I liked the plot but did think it was a bit rushed. I would’ve liked to see a bit more before evrything went down. I liked most of the actors and wasn’t bothered by the special effects. However it didn’t grab me the way The Gifted did so this might be another show I’ll drop when I have to much to watch. And we all know that’s probably pretty soon πŸ˜‰

Wisdom of the Crowd

This is the last new show I watched. Another good premise and decent pilot episode. A great business man develops an app to try and catch his daughters real murderer. The app proves useful and actually starts to take on a life of its own. It reminded me a bit of a new show from last year where some wealthy guy buys a police precinct and supplies it with a ton of gadgets. I only saw the first epsiode and it didn’t really capture me so I don’t even know if its still on… I liked the pilot of Wisdom of the Crowd a lot better and I hope the mystery behind the daughters murder stays intriging enough.

Did you watch any of these new shows? Are you planning on watching some of these? Let me know in the comments!

afsluiting isa

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