We decided to do TTT every other week and then the other, other weeks we would do Top 5 Wednesday. This weekly meme was created by Lainey from Gingerreadslainey and all the info is posted in this Goodreads group. This weeks theme is books about witches! Seems easy enough right? Read on to find out which 5 books I picked.
Since fantasy is my favourite genre out of all the genres that exist I thought it would be pretty easy to pick 5 books… It was actually a bit harder than expected haha. But I did manage to choose 5 books or series that are about witches.
1.The Harry Potter series by JK Rowling
How could I not start with this series? Harry Potter is forever one of my favourite series and I’ve read it so many times. It’s all about witches and wizards so it fits perfectly with the theme. I don’t think I need to see much more about this one right?
2. Magisterium series by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare
This has been described as a Harry Potter rip off and I do understand why at a first glance it sounds familiar (school for magic children, golden trio, big bad villain) but if you read the first book you’ll quickly realise that it’s a completely different story and that those superficial similarities are the only ones. These books are middle grade novels and I really enjoy those.
3. Uprooted by Naomi Novik
This is the only standalone novel in this list, but its one I absolutely loved! I flew through this one and loved the characters. There’s a lot of magic going on in the story and it just reads like a fairytale. I want to reread this book pretty soon and hope I still love it as much. I don’t hear to many people gushing about their love for this book and that just makes me so sad!
4. Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas
Now if you’ve only read the first or the first two books you might think, witches? What are you talking about? But! In the third book witches come into play and I LOVE them. More specifically, I love Manon. She might be my favourite character from this series, although she does share that spot with Dorian 😉 This witches are badass, mean, cruel, and just the way witches are described when they are the bad guys.
5. Half Bad series by Sally Green
I’ve only read the first book in this series but I do own all of them. I really need to continue reading them soon! The first book was very enjoyable and I’ve heard great things about the rest of the series. I might need to reread book 1 though haha, I don’t remember most of the details to be completely honest.
That was a pretty quick one! What are your favourite books about witches? Let me know in the comments!
Oooh Half Bad! I was hoping to see that series, it always comes to my mind first when thinking of witches! Manon also popped into my head haha. Confession: I flat out had no idea witches were even in Harry Potter, which I understand is a very clear fail. This is a great list of witch-y books!
Thank you! This was actually surprisingly difficult haha, for all the fantasy books I read there aren’t too many that actually have witches in them