Fangirl Friday|Book Boyfriends #1

While talking to a few friends this week, a picture from a book character was put in the chat and that’s when we thought of this idea. We’re going to talk about some of our book boyfriends. There are a lot of them, so to be able to keep this post going and not make it too long we’re going to split them up in themes or series. Today we are starting off with the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas. To find out about our book boyfriends in this series, keep on reading.

Throne of glass has quite the collection of male characters. These are our favorites!

Dorian (Isabelle)

dorian merch

From the moment I started reading this series I was in love with Dorian, and 6 books and 1 novella bind-up later that love hasn’t died down one single moment. Apart from being my favourite male character in these books, he’s also one of my top book boyfriends. I mean, a prince is always a good start 😉 And a handsome prince who loves to read at that. Who’s witty and has raw magic. What’s not to love?!

“He was done with politics and intrigue. He loved her, and no empire, no king, and no earthly fear would keep him from her. No, if they tried to take her from him, he’d rip the world apart with his bare hands. And for some reason, that didn’t terrify him.”

I put up a couple of lovely pieces of fanart for you all to swoon over 😉 At least that’s what my friends and I did when we saw these haha. I unfortenately couldn’t find the credits for the first piece, but if you happen to know who I should credit, let me know in the comments! The second piece is by Taratjah, I adore her style so much. The last piece, which might be my favourite (!) is by Morgana0anagrom.

dorian 1dorian 3dorian 2


Chaol (Candyce)


The first fan art that you can see of Chaol was done by merwild. The second picture is done by Meabh. The third picture is by taratjah.

“Would I have loved her if I had know from the start what she is?” He shook his head. “If I had met her now… my first instinct would be to protect Dorian from her.

Celaena was a fraction of Aelin – both good and bad. But Aelin… she is Celaena, and she is queen, and she is the Fire-Bringer. I fell in love with a facet, and I panicked when I realized it was a fraction of the whole – when I saw that power, that heritage, and… it was not a part of my plans.

Rowan Whitethorn saw everything. From the moment he met her, he saw all of Aelin. And he was not afraid. I don’t blame either of them for falling in love. I don’t blame her… I was what Celaena need after Endovier. But Rowan is who Aelin needs – forever.”

Chaol is a complicated book boyfriend, haha. He started off as a favorite, went off the list for a bit and then popped back on during Tower of Dawn. While it’s understandable he was hurt and may have done certain things, he was still a jerk at times. The way his life developed in Tower of Dawn was amazing and made him loveable again. He can be sarcastic, funny, loving and just plain frustrating, haha. In the end he’s one of the good ones in this series.

Sam (Isabelle)

sam cortland 1sam cortland 3sam cortland 2

Oh Sam, your story definitely broke my heart. Knowing the ending to your story and than going back to the Assassins Blade and reading everything leading up to it was almost to much. That last story had me sobbing and for the longest I was hoping for some kind of miracle. I might still have a tiny sliver of hope for him and the last book haha. There isn’t that much fanart of Sam and I really think we need more! I must admit I have a hard time actually picturing him but all I need to know is that he is an amazing, a gentle and caring, and also a bad ass character that everyone loves <3. Honestly, reading quotes about him just now is breaking my heart all over again…

The first piece of fanart is by Adele, the second by Taratjah (again, haha), and I’m not sure who to credit for that last picture (again, let me know in the comments if you do!).

My name is Sam Cortland … and I will not be afraid.


Rowan (Candyce)


The first piece of fanart is by UponaDayDreamer. The second piece of fanart is by pojainter. The third piece of fanart is by Othellys.

“Their hands clasped between them, he whispered into her ear, “I claim you, too, Aelin Galathynius.”

Rowan kind of starts out as a big jerk, haha. As we learn more about Rowan and his past it’s understandable the way he is. As he gets to know Aelin more he turns into a softy. He’s very protective and loving with her and strong to the outside world. He’s kind of like a big teddy bear in some cases. Definitely one of my favorite book boyfriends.

Aedion (Both! Haha)

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The first piece of fanart is by Morgana0anagrom. The second piece is by Margahg and is part of an amazing collection with all the characters set in a modern AU, go check those out <3 The third piece is by Meabhusd.

“You survived; I survived. We’re together again. I once begged the gods to let me see you — if only for a moment. To see you and know you’d made it. Just once; that was all I ever hoped for.”

Aedion is a fun character. He’s Aelin’s cousin and is very protective of her. How he responds to Rowan in the beginning is hilarious. We see a different Aedion with Lysandra as well. He can be sweet and caring. Aedion deserves more attention than he gets. He should be on all book boyfriend lists!

throne of glass guys

These are our book boyfriends from Throne of Glass, with one last perfect piece of fanart with all of them together (that you might recognize from my merch pic haha, yes I bought the sticker on redbubble! <3). This piece is by Tasia. There is so much fanart these days, most of these artists have tons more! Characters really come to life now! Who are your favorites? We’d love to know!

afsluiting samen

0 thoughts on “Fangirl Friday|Book Boyfriends #1

  1. I haven´t read Throne of Glass but I really loved reading this post. Please keep on doing it a long time forward 😀

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